The best of PC Gamer, 2014

Best Of Pc Gamer

It’s a privilege to write about PC gaming. We had a ton of fun doing it in 2014, and we're really grateful you spent some time reading (and watching) our enthusiasm, criticism, evaluation, reporting, verdicts, silliness, praise, and occasional GIF nonsense.

Below are our favorite six or so stories from each month of PC Gamer during 2014, alongside the big reviews from that month. This is the stuff we either devoted the most time and love to in 2014 or was especially well-received.



The 13 worst game design crimes

The perfect XCOM run

Steam Controller isn't enough: why PC gamers need a couch-friendly keyboard and mouse

Next Car Game's vehicular destruction in 11 GIFs

Hearthstone review

Path of Exile review

Csgo Lol


How to configure CS:GO for maximum competitive advantage

Losing it: why bad players keep trying with good games

Just Cause 2 multiplayer video: exploring the insanity of Build World

DayZ diaries: the one where it rains a lot, and Andy mercy-kills a fellow survivor

Jazzpunk review

Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall review

Gpu Lift


The future of PC gaming

The Oculus Rift and virtual reality sex

Diary of a Droid Jedi

Building Crown: First look at the next big CS:GO competitive map

South Park: The Stick of Truth review

Titanfall review

TowerFall Ascension review



Hacks! An investigation into the million-dollar business of video game cheating

Dark Souls 2 modded

A goat farmer reviews Goat Simulator

PAX East 2014 panel - “The (Incredible) Future of PC Gaming”

Dark Souls 2 review

Eve Online Crucible update


Killing Floor 2 exclusive first look

A console gamer asked me what three PC games he should play — here's what I said

The 100 best free online games on PC

EVE players share their best EVE Online war stories

Watch Dogs review

Wolfenstein: The New Order review



How to buy a graphics card

Kings of comedy: the art of interactive humor

How the Internet tried to rig the Steam Summer Adventure, and how Valve is trying to stop them

To the Moon and back: a journey of connection

Xenonauts review

Best Rpgs


DayZ diary: the fishing trap

The best RPGs of all time

The problem with survival games

The PC Gamer Show Episode 1

Divinity: Original Sin review

Lovely Planet review



The best and worst BioWare companions

What I learned from playing with a professional Hearthstone coach

The pleasure of space trucking in Elite: Dangerous

Why critics love Mountain, but Steam users are calling it "worthless"

Velvet Sundown review



10 things every PC gamer should own

The weird economics behind Steam prices around the world

The best gaming laptops for any budget

The best gaming keyboards

Interview with a Hearthstone botter

This insane round reminded me why Counter-Strike is wonderful

Wasteland 2 review

Ail Y En


How authentic is Alien: Isolation?

The features PC gamers want—an open letter to developers and gamers

The most fabulous fan-made Sims

PC graphics options explained

Alien: Isolation review

Civilization: Beyond Earth review

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel review

Dragon Age


The best in-game piracy punishments

The funniest patch notes in PC gaming

A year of PC gaming with a standing desk

10 trailblazing years of World of Warcraft

Far Cry 4 review

Dragon Age: Inquisition review

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare review



Games of the Year - 2014

The easy PC upgrade guide: everything you need to know

The best PC gaming processors

Adventures in random Far Cry 4 maps

You Showed Us Your Rigs

How to fix Assassin’s Creed

A Very Skyrim Christmas

The Talos Principle review

Elite: Dangerous review

Evan Lahti
Global Editor-in-Chief

Evan's a hardcore FPS enthusiast who joined PC Gamer in 2008. After an era spent publishing reviews, news, and cover features, he now oversees editorial operations for PC Gamer worldwide, including setting policy, training, and editing stories written by the wider team. His most-played FPSes are CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, Team Fortress Classic, Rainbow Six Siege, and Arma 2. His first multiplayer FPS was Quake 2, played on serial LAN in his uncle's basement, the ideal conditions for instilling a lifelong fondness for fragging. Evan also leads production of the PC Gaming Show, the annual E3 showcase event dedicated to PC gaming.