All the games of E3 2014, and their PC outlook

So. Many. Games. The release lineup from now until the end of 2015 is packed with promising titles, from The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Inqquisition to newly revealed games like Rainbow Six: Siege. Imagine if there was a place where you could browse through all of the games shown this year, and learn about their prospects for a PC release. Well, imagine no more, for we have done exactly that. Read on for your comprehensive guide to the games of E3 2014.

A to C

D to E

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N to S

T to Z

For more on E3, check out our round-ups of days one , two and three and four . To get closer to the E3 experience, browse our photo gallery and watch Evan talk over the show with our friends at TechRadar and GamesRadar.


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