Razer teams up with the makers of 3DMark to set the standard for eco-gaming

A green dawn breaks over the globe from space
(Image credit: Razer)

Announcements from this year's RazerCon include an upcoming eco-watch design, new loveable Sneki Snek products, and talk of Razer partnering with two new companies. Of course, these are eco-centric companies that are just as dedicated to saving the planet as it is.

By now any kind of nature-loving gamer will have heard of Razer's Green Fund initiative. Now, joining the multi-million dollar lifestyle brand's list of sustainable collaborations are Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the world’s largest non-profit safety science and certification company (and purveyor of 3DMark benchmark software); as well as Panerai, a *checks notes* luxury watch manufacturer.

The latter may seem out of place, but Panerai and Razer both share a passion for Ocean preservation, as manifested previously in Razer's ClearBot collaboration. Not only will Razer be involved in the design of a "limited-edition, co-branded time piece made from sustainable material," but together the two brands will forge a year long campaign to "enhance ocean literacy."

The upcoming watch design will be revealed next year, along with a March announcement that will detail a cause the two companies will support together.

Razer and Panerai logos floating above the ocean

(Image credit: Razer)

As for Underwriters Laboratories, you'll likely recognize the company as UL if you've ever gotten into PC benchmarking. UL has been helping set safety standards for years, even as far back as (and farther than) the 1930s in certifying early model consumer electronics, such as electric dishwashers, washing machines and black-and-white TVs.

Now with UL in tow, Razer is leading the charge to change the gaming industry from within. Together, the two companies will come up with a standardized way to measure an 'eco-gaming product.' Seeing as there is no current standard for a product to be marketed as 'eco-friendly,' the partnership will define a bar for manufacturers seeking Environmental Product Declaration. Meaning companies—as well as you, the consumer—can more thoroughly reduce the impact on our world's resources.

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All this blends nicely with Razer's growing sustainable initiative, which includes a veritable forest of Sneki Snek products already moving to save a million trees. Now, three new Sneki drops have also been announced: a fleece blanket launching at 800,000 trees saved, a new keycap at 900,000, and a Razer Sneki hoodie at the one million trees mark.

Also, Sneki will soon be starring in his very own cartoon series, with each episode focussing on a different environmental issue, and seeking to "empower viewers with ecofriendly habits that can be adopted."

As if Razer toilet paper wasn't enough, the company seems to be staying strong on the path to a more sustainable future for gamers. The company plans to go carbon neutral by 2030, and by creating a standard for other gaming brands, as well as ushering other brands into the eco-fold, Razer is spearheading a rampant eco-gaming movement that is sure to change the landscape for good.

Gaming may not be the most eco-friendly hobby, but trying can't hurt.

Katie Wickens
Hardware Writer

Screw sports, Katie would rather watch Intel, AMD and Nvidia go at it. Having been obsessed with computers and graphics for three long decades, she took Game Art and Design up to Masters level at uni, and has been rambling about games, tech and science—rather sarcastically—for four years since. She can be found admiring technological advancements, scrambling for scintillating Raspberry Pi projects, preaching cybersecurity awareness, sighing over semiconductors, and gawping at the latest GPU upgrades. Right now she's waiting patiently for her chance to upload her consciousness into the cloud.