The PC Gamer Show: Blizzard shuts down Nostalrius, Rust assigns genders, and special guests from Subnautica

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Welcome back to The PC Gamer Show, our weekly livestreamed podcast. You can catch the show live on Wednesdays at 1 pm PDT on our Twitch channel, or after the fact at any of the links below.

This week we're joined by Charlie Cleveland and Max McGuire, founders of Unknown Worlds and developers of Subnautica!

We'll also be talking about Blizzard's decision to shut down the Nostalrius WoW private server, Rust's latest update which randomly assigns your character's gender, and lots more—including a live Subnautica demo and our usual Twitch chat Q&A.

This week's topics: 

  1. What we've been playing recently.
  2. Blizzard shuts down the private WoW server Nostalrius.
  3. Rust updates to assign random genders based on your Steam ID.
  4. A live Subnautica demo and Q&A in VR!
  5. Lots and lots of controversy.


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Watch it on YouTube: Part 1 (discussion), Part 2 (Subnautica VR demo) (or in the embeds below)

Last week's episode

Your flapping heads for this episode:

Tom Marks
Special guest: Charlie Cleveland - Game Director/Founder at Unknown Worlds
Special guest: Max McGuire - Technical Director/Founder at Unknown Worlds


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