Cyberpunk 2077 frame by frame trailer series talks gun laws in Night City

Everything we learned from E3 2018 about Cyberpunk 2077 suggests Night City is a dangerous place. The open world action RPG—which also resembles an FPS—has added to its frame by frame trailer breakdown. This time the series explores Night City's gun laws. 

Skip the trailer above to the 47 second mark. While smiling and chatting away, the taxi driver pictured doesn't appear phased by the three gun-wielding robots in his backseat—nor does he bat an eye at the barrel-load of firearms stacked along his passenger side. If there are gun laws in Night City, they must be pretty lenient.

"Gun laws are lax in Night City—anyone can own a gun," explains CD Projekt Red. Which makes sense. "And thanks to frequent riots and the daily threat of violence, just about everyone does. Open carry of firearms is commonplace and many even wear bulletproof clothing as they go about their lives—just in case. No one bats an eye at a pistol here or a rifle there. To stay alive, you need to look out for yourself… Even if that sometimes means turning a blind eye to the constant violence happening all around."

Episode 10, named 'Night City and you' moves onto the alleyway scene where one couple canoodle, while another kick the shite out of some poor beggar on the deck. "Leaving Night City is not an option," says the blurb below ominously. But if this is how the locals treat you, I can't imagine why. Skip to 0.41 for this scene:

"For most, despite pervasive violence and poverty, leaving Night City is not an option," says the dev. "Everyone is a lone wanderer in their own right and Night City presents an undying hope for fame and success where failure is the ultimate fear. Self-preservation and self-promotion—not money—are the driving forces behind societal advancement. In order to be someone, you have to be more than yourself. To become immortal, you have to become a brand, an ideal."

Read up on everything in Cyberpunk 2077's E3 pamphlet.