PC Gamer UK August issue: Thief

Garrett is back! Yes, there he is, Batmanning his way up a wall on the cover of PC Gamer UK issue 255. Is this Thief a worthy successor to the much-loved originals? Graham slipped on his best thievin' gloves and played Eidos Montreal's new take on the classic robbery sim, and then slipped on his best velvet writing gloves to pen this month's six page cover feature. The soft roar of beleaguered keyboards filled PC Gamer towers this month as the staff united to forge our list of the 100 greatest games of all time. There was controversy, mild mannered discussion, tea-drinking, more discussion, sagely nodding and then a blaze of word-making. Will you agree with the list? Perhaps. But, more importantly, it's sixteen pages of passionate writing celebrating the best games ever made.

That's just a fraction of what's inside the latest issue, of course. We've got loads of previews, reviews, features and tech coverage, which you can find out about below. The issue is available now via the App Store , Google Play or Zinio . If you prefer, you can subscribe to get each issue delivered to your door. This month's issue also comes with a free game, a spiritual successor to Deus Ex, Project Snowblind, worth £4 . Read on for a closer look at the cover and a list of what to expect from issue 255.

This month we...

  • Go hands-on with Eidos Montreal's take on the Thief universe.

  • Take a four-page look at the promising Planescape successor, Torment: Tides of Numenara

  • Pen previews for Battlefield 4, Watch Dogs, creepy ghost detective game, Murdered: Soul Suspect, The Evil Within, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Total War: Rome 2, Fifa 14 and Saints Row IV.

  • Round up our 100 favourite games of all time.

  • Review Company of Heroes 2, Grid 2, Dyad, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, Papo & Yo, Shootmania Storm, StarDrive, Starseed Pilgrim, Signal Ops, Mars: War Logs, Wargame: Airland Battle, The Rise of the Hutt Cartel for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Crusader Kings 2: Old Gods, Black Ops 2: Uprising and deliver our advice on whether or not it's worth paying to get into Kerbal Space Program's alpha phase.

  • Round up the hottest liquid coolers for your rig.

  • Recount our experiences with Tomb Raider, Dota 2, Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 and Receiver in Now Playing.

  • Revisit War of the Roses after the Brian Blessed patch.

  • Reinstall classic vomit-management-sim, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3.

  • Reach a thrilling conclusion in our Game of Thrones diary.

  • And much more!


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.