The Division is free to try this weekend, 70 percent off for a limited time

Everything we know about The Division 2 points to bigger, bolder and louder online action RPG over its forerunner. But if you're yet to get into the first game, know that it's free to try on Ubisoft's U-Play this weekend. If you like what you see, it's also subject to a 70 percent discount till Tuesday, September 11. 

The Division's free weekend kicks off today at 10am PST / 6pm BST and runs till Sunday, September 9 at 1pm PST / 9pm BST. You'll need a free U-Play account to play, and preloads are available now. Head in this direction for more on how to get set up.

Ubisoft notes that this free weekend is separate from The Division's regular trial offer, both of which are incompatible. Instead, those who play this weekend have full access to its Standard Edition—alongside other free weekenders and those who already own the base game.  

Should you vouch for the full game afterwards, all progress carries over. Should you do that before the times outlined above on September 11, you'll save yourself some cash. 

Here's Ubi on that: "If you like the game and want to keep playing after the Free Weekend period is over, you can transfer your progress to the full game, which will be available for up to 70 percent off along with other products (Gold Edition, Season Pass, DLC) until September 11th on the Ubisoft Store and September 10th on Steam."

There's plenty to enjoy about The Division that I won't spoil. I will however tell you it has some of the best grenades in PC gaming

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show