Terraria update 1.3.3 adds fearsome sandstorms

It is simply unthinkable for work to finish on a survival game, even well after it's officially 'done', so here's a big new update for 2D building/survival/RPG Terraria. The 1.3.3 patch adds sandstorms to the game, a weather event that will occasionally rock the desert biome with new enemies, loot, tunes, and oh yeah loads of swirling sand. You might want to craft yourself a pair of goggles.

The nitty gritty of the update—including the additional enemies and items—is hidden behind a couple of spoiler warnings on the site, so I won't repost that here, but 1.3.3's big features are that sandstorm, a new heat distortion effect in hot biomes, new visual effects for blizzard events, and dripping sand. So it's a bit of a, chortle, hot and cold update, end chortle.

Terraria's patch 1.3.3 is out now.

Tom Sykes

Tom loves exploring in games, whether it’s going the wrong way in a platformer or burgling an apartment in Deus Ex. His favourite game worlds—Stalker, Dark Souls, Thief—have an atmosphere you could wallop with a blackjack. He enjoys horror, adventure, puzzle games and RPGs, and played the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VIII with a translated script he printed off from the internet. Tom has been writing about free games for PC Gamer since 2012. If he were packing for a desert island, he’d take his giant Columbo boxset and a laptop stuffed with PuzzleScript games.