SNL pokes fun at The Division 2 (and chatty NPCs), Ubisoft responds

Saturday Night Live has done a funny about games, and even though it's now Tuesday, it's still worth a look if you haven't seen it yet. Kit Harington from Game of Thrones hosted on Saturday, and features prominently here. The sketch pokes fun at talky NPCs who get all up in your face. 

While the HUD and badges evoke The Division 2, the subject of parody here is much closer to the experience of playing Anthem, where conversations have you screaming "shut up!" inside. That said: Division 2's specialization officer Coop Denison could do with keeping it down. There's maybe a bit of parody of Harington's own role in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, where he did indeed get all up in your face:

I will give it to SNL: this sketch made me smile. I'd give it a B-. Ubisoft seemed to enjoy it, anyway:

Samuel Roberts
Former PC Gamer EIC Samuel has been writing about games since he was 18. He's a generalist, because life is surely about playing as many games as possible before you're put in the cold ground.