Possible Steam Summer Sale details arise

If you haven't been following the drama afflicting the PC gaming community throughout the warmer months, you may not be aware that Steam is well overdue for its annual, wallet-eviscerating Summer Sale. It's that joyous time of year when we forward our paychecks directly to Valve for lots of cheap reasons to not go outside and face the angry, merciless sun. After having heard barely a peep about its absence from Gabe and Co well into July, a Redditor named Dweezy has stumbled in out of the desert proclaiming that the time is nearly upon us.

The following list, the submitter says, comes from something called the Content Description Record Database. This is, as far as we can tell, some sort of top secret scroll or artifact guarded by enormous stone Vortigaunts that details every product and bundle sold on Steam. We have no way to confirm that these are real as of yet, but they certainly do seem to line up well with Summer Sales of ages past.

According to the thread, the sale will kick off with 11 days of indie bundles.

Day 1: Anomaly Warzone Earth, The Baconing, Cave Story+, EDGE, Lone Survivor

Day 2: Botanicula, E.Y.E, Oil Rush, Splice, Universe Sandbox

Day 3: Bit Trip Beat, Braid, Bunch of Heroes, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Runespell Overture,

Day 4: A Valley Without Wind, Atom Zombie Smasher, Blocks that Matter, Sanctum, Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP

Day 5: Audio Surf, Gemini Rue, Greed Corp, Tiny Bang Story, Ys: The Oath in Felghana

Day 6: Awesome, Defcon, Space Chem, Ticket to Ride, Trauma

Day 7: Avadon, Dungeons of Dredmor, Qube, Vessel, Zombie Driver

Day 8: Demolition Inc, Hoard, Sol Exodus, Swords and Soldiers HD, Wings of Prey

Day 9: Capsized, Jamestown, Revenge of the Titans, VVVVVV, Zeno Clash

Day 10: All Zombies Must Die, Beat Hazard, Bit trip Runner, Eufloria, Machinarium

Day 11: Hydrophobia, Orion: Dino Beatdown, Star Ruler, Waveform, World of Goo

The following bundles are also listed, though no info is given on whether they will be sale-spanning, or limited-time deals.

  • 1C Collection Pack
  • Adam's Venture Complete Bundle Retail
  • Anno 2070 Pack
  • Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham City and Batman Gotham City Imposters Bundle
  • Bethesda Collection (BRINK, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Hunted)
  • Bioshock Franchise Pack
  • BIT.TRIP.BEAT Bundle
  • Carpe Fulger Bundle (Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale, Chantelise, Fortune Summoners)
  • Civilization Collection
  • Command and Conquer Franchise
  • Dawn of War Franchise Pack
  • Dead Island Complete
  • Duke Nukem Bundle
  • Foreign Legion Bundle
  • Kalypso Collection (Tropico, Jagged Alliance, Airline Tycoon, etc)
  • Majesty Franchise
  • Paradox Collection (Magicka + dlcs, Mount and Blade, etc)
  • Pendulo Adventure Pack
  • Railworks 3 – Summer Sale Collection
  • Red Orchestra Franchise Pack (ROW)
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bundle
  • Saints Row: The Third Franchise Pack
  • Sniper Elite Franchise Pack
  • Square Hit Collection (Hitman, Tomb Raider, Just Cause 2, Deus Ex, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Quantum Conundrum, Thief)
  • Stardock Collection Pack
  • Strategy First Complete Pack
  • Sword of the Stars Franchise
  • THQ Collection (Dawn of War, Warhammer, Stalker, Nexuiz, Darksiders, Metro 2033, etc)
  • Total War: Shogun 2 Pack
  • Victoria Franchise
  • Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Pack
  • Wings of Prey

It's possible that this is all a hoax, but the inclusion of some of the more obscure bundles (Foreign Legion, Victoria) tends to make me think otherwise. If I were a betting man, I'd say to keep your eye on Steam and see if you can get a good price for your pets and kids sometime before next week.


Len Hafer is a freelancer and lifelong PC gamer with a specialty in strategy, RPGs, horror, and survival games. A chance encounter with Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness changed her life forever. Today, her favorites include the grand strategy games from Paradox Interactive like Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis, and thought-provoking, story-rich RPGs like Persona 5 and Disco Elysium. She also loves history, hiking in the mountains of Colorado, and heavy metal music.