PC Gamer US Podcast 249 – Ask the turkey edition

The PC Gamer Thanksgiving dinner table is full this year as Logan, Evan, Dan, Josh, Mike, and Andy crowd around our small, imaginary spread of delicious Thanksgiving morsels to talk about video games.

Since it's obvious what we're thankful for this year (good games), we decide to spend the hour giving you something to be thankful for: answers to life's greatest questions. Or at least answers to the questions that we get asked most frequently by readers!

Questions like:

  • I'm in high school, and I'd like to have a career in the videogame industry. What should I major in in college? What kind of classes should I take?
  • How did you get your job at PC Gamer?
  • How much of your time is actually spent playing games?
  • What kind of PC do you have?
  • What's your favorite game of all time?
  • What's up with that weird tiny story in ever issue?
  • Why don't you respond to my email?
  • Why do you restrict your contests to the United States only? Do you hate Canadians?!
  • What betas should I be playing right now?
  • Is TOR going to dethrone WoW?
  • When is Episode 3 coming out?

So if you have to sit next to The Spy's aunt at Thanksigiving this year, don't worry--you won't have to follow every rivulet of mashed food running down her chunky neck like The Spy did in our October issue. Just slip on a hoodie, toss in some headphones and let our PC Gamer Thanksgiving Q&A whisk you away to a far off magical land of digital mashed potatoes and turkeys with shotguns.

Gobble gobble gobble!


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.