Conan Exiles trailer shows mass destruction and summonable god-like Avatars

Concluding the trifecta of videos that mirror its three-word tagline, Conan Exiles' latest trailer shows us how we'll 'Dominate' its Hyborian open-world. Building upon its previous 'Survive' and 'Build' developer-led shorts, Dominate showcases how we'll fight both NPCs, and other players in its generic and community-made cities. 

As you may expect, domination is intrinsically tied to both survival and construction, and while you'll do battle with animals, predators, and ancient demonic creatures,  "the most dangerous enemy is other exiles", so says lead designer Oscar Lopez Lacalle below. 

As you'll spot around the 2.30 mark above, adversarial exiles can summon 'Avatars', which is where the game's domination really seems to come into its own. "An Avatar is the ultimate force of destruction in a PvP siege," explains Lacalle. "If you are under attack by an Avatar, you have to find the summoner and kill them."

In the interest of balance, players who choose to summon these gargantuan weapons are made "uniquely" vulnerable during the summoning period, and as such can been seen from almost anywhere on the map. 

Creative director Joel Bylos adds: "The pinnacle of gameplay in Conan Exiles is the moment when you take control of the Avatar of the god for the first time - one of these massive, titanic creatures and you stomp around the landscape, you smash your foes with righteous fury."

Alongside the news Conan Exiles will come with full mod support from day one, it looks like Funcom's open-world survive 'em up has a good chance of hitting the ground running when it enters Early Access on January 31.

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show