V Rising's latest patch makes it easier for vampires to find stairs

Image for V Rising's latest patch makes it easier for vampires to find stairs
(Image credit: Stunlock Studios)

V Rising crept up on us this month with its blood-sucking monsters, and within three days 500,000 players had already started new unlives. For developer Stunlock Studios, that's meant a lot of feedback to sift through, and the latest update makes another dent—albeit a small one—to the list. If you've had trouble finding stairs, you're in luck.

The latest patch notes (Client Patch 0.5.41591) for V Rising are mostly standard things, like giving players the ability to change their texture quality and limit the fps. But there's also a tweak to the build menu—apparently vampires were having a spot of bother building stairs inside their spooky castles. 

The patch notes say: "Stairs have been added to the Castle Floors Tab in the Build Menu to make it easier for players to find them." I guess although vampires are highly intelligent hunters sometimes it's hard for them to navigate survival game building menus.

Along with the fps, texture quality and build menu tweaks, some bugs have also been squashed. The most notable bug fix is an issue where performance would drop when hitting "Night Marshal Styx the Sunderer with specific abilities (ex. Mirror Strike)." That's now been solved. 

In case you've missed V Rising, it's like Valheim with vampires but actually it's far more than that. Players can set up dedicated servers to play with friends, or if you don't have friends there are offline modes also newly available, I don't judge. Just a few days ago it reached a million copies sold so maybe now's the time to get a little bloody.  

Imogen has been playing games for as long as she can remember but finally decided games were her passion when she got her hands on Portal 2. Ever since then she’s bounced between hero shooters, RPGs, and indies looking for her next fixation, searching for great puzzles or a sniper build to master. When she’s not working for PC Gamer, she’s entertaining her community live on Twitch, hosting an event like GDC, or in a field shooting her Olympic recurve bow.