Here's every Deathmark location in Dauntless

Deathmark locations

Deathmarks are collectable items that are found around Ramsgate in Dauntless and contribute to the progress of your Hunt Pass levels. There are ten that will spawn daily in random locations and they're most commonly found on the sides of buildings, in alleyways, and occasionally on rooftops. 

Each Deathmark you pick up will give you five experience towards the progress of your Hunt Pass for the current season which, in turn, rewards you with items such as cosmetics, gear, consumables, or crafting materials. Collecting all ten Deathmarks per day will net you half a level—very little effort for free goodies!—so it's well worth spending a few minutes when you log in to grab them all. Read on to discover all the possible Deathmark locations in Dauntless.

Deathmark 1 location

As soon as you load into Ramsgate, look to your right and you'll see the first Deathmark located against the wall of the archway. 

Deathmark 2 location

Make your way to the left-hand side of the square ahead and you'll find the next one just to the right of the Core Breaker, next to the Mentor, Katerin Sorrel.

Deathmark 3 location

Climb the stairs ahead and you'll find the next Deathmark on the left-hand side of the building in front of you. 

Deathmark 4 location

Turn right and head past the dog to find a Deathmark against the wall outside the tavern. 

Deathmark 5 location

Continue further along this path, past Dr Priyani the Behemoth Expert on your left, and you'll find the next Deathmark against a pillar in front of you and to your right.

Deathmark 6 location

From here, turn right to face Dr Priyani and head up the alley to the left of where she stands to find the next Deathmark on your right, next to the building.

Deathmark 7 location

Head up the stone steps and look left once you reach the top. You'll find the mark here against the wall at the entrance to a short alleyway.

Deathmark 8 location

From where you picked up the last mark, look directly ahead up the short alley. You'll see the next Deathmark on a ledge. Use the crate to vault up to it and pick it up.

Deathmark 9 location

Move forward and you'll see the next Deathmark on the ledge to your left. Jump up to grab it.

Deathmark 10 location

Drop down from the ledge onto the wooden decking and you'll find the next Deathmark at the bottom of the wooden steps.

Deathmark 11 location

Drop down onto the path to find another Deathmark. 

Deathmark 12 location

Head up the steps and keep going until you find a tree with white blossom on your left. You'll find the Deathmark next to it. 

Deathmark 13 location

From here, turn around to face north (with the tree behind you) and you'll find another Deathmark to the left of the building in front of you.

Deathmark 14 location

Head back to the tree and head west from here. You should see steps on your left—turn towards them and you'll find this one between two sets of steps.

Deathmark 15 location

Head up the two sets of wooden steps to your left to find this one a little way ahead, in front of a building.

Deathmark 16 location

From here, look left over the railing to see the next Deathmark on the roof. Use the gap in the railings next to you to jump to the roof ahead—you may need to sprint, then jump—then make your way across to pick up the Deathmark.

Deathmark 17 location

Drop down from here and make your way back to the blossom tree. Follow the path straight ahead, keeping the wide, stone steps to your left. You'll see the Deathmark next to a pillar, near Arkan Drew, the Aethersmith.

Deathmark 18 location

Head straight on, keeping Moyra Heigsketter, the Armoursmith, to your left and go up the steps ahead. The next Deathmark is immediately to your left.

Deathmark 19 location

Follow the path around and you'll find the next Deathmark against a building on your left.

Deathmark 20 location

Keep moving forward and you'll find another Deathmark beneath a lamp on the left-hand side of the path.

Deathmark 21 location

The next Deathmark is just ahead and against the wall to the right. 

Deathmark 22 location

Head down the steps and take your first right. You'll find the last Deathmark against a pillar at the top of the steps on the right-hand side.

Sarah James
Guides Writer

Sarah started as a freelance writer in 2018, writing for PCGamesN, TechRadar, GamingBible, Red Bull Gaming and more. In 2021, she was offered a full-time position on the PC Gamer team where she takes every possible opportunity to talk about World of Warcraft and Elden Ring. When not writing guides, most of her spare time is spent in Azeroth—though she's quite partial to JRPGs too. One of her fondest hopes is to one day play through the ending of Final Fantasy X without breaking down into a sobbing heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you.