The PC Gamer Show: Prison Architect devs, VR, TwitchCon

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Every Tuesday at 1 PM Pacific we broadcast The PC Gamer Show live from our office. It's your chance to get your questions answered live on Twitch, and hear us talk about gaming news, hardware, and what we're playing.

This week we're lucky to be joined by Chris Delay and Mark Morris, co-founders of Introversion Software and developers of Prison Architect. They'll be showing off an early look at its final build after the show.

We'll be talking about TwitchCon 2015, the good and the bad of early access games, how kids games have changed since the days of Putt-Putt and Spy Fox, Oculus' latest VR announcments, and more—including a "hands-on" TF2 themed Catfantastic quiz and our usual Twitch chat Q&A.

Watch along today on Twitch, and toss us some feedback on Twitter or here in the comments!

You can also listen to last week's episode right here.

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PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.