Ryse: Son of Rome PC gameplay video — max settings at 2560x1440 on LPC

ryse son of rome

Come one, come all to see an Xbox One launch game running at 1440p! We recently got a preview build of Ryse: Son of Rome's PC port, so Tyler went through the introductory level with the graphics settings maxed (minus supersampling, but come on). It's pretty, isn't it?

And it even controls well with a mouse and keyboard. Granted, it's still Ryse: Son of Rome, which didn't fare especially well with Xbox One critics—but we'll have our own review next month. Ryse releases for PC on October 10th.

Want more from the LPC video archive? Recently we've hit Metro 2033 Redux, Deus Ex, NeoTokyo, Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein: The New Order, the Titanfall beta, Max Payne 3, Metro: Last Light, and Arma 3. There's much more to come. Have a game in mind you'd like to see the LPC take on at ultra settings? Tell the LPC directly on Twitter.


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