Kentucky Route Zero Act 5 due in early 2018

When I asked Cardboard Computer's Jake Elliott how Kentucky Route Zero's development was going earlier this year he told me: "Yeah, we're definitely still working on the game. More soon, this will be a busy summer yet." The developer has now confirmed its fifth and final act is due early next year. 

The announcement was made as part of Nintendo's 'Nindies' event, which showcased the indie games heading to its Switch console from hereon. A so-called "TV Edition" of KRZ will include all five acts alongside their interlude entries—all of which will be fed back into the PC variation. 

I'm not sure if the following constitutes a teaser in that very little is teased, however here's the Switch's TV Edition reveal trailer: 

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Kentucky Route Zero, thus the idea of tying up all of its loose ends excites me. I especially loved the way Act 4 shifted gears, taking on a more contemplative tone against its forerunners. That said, number five will almost certainly up the ante as it arrives at whatever undoubtedly off-the-wall conclusions it has in mind.  

No hard launch date just yet, however Kentucky Route Zero's Act 5 is due in early 2018. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show