You're a fruit-hoarding bird in the free demo for Feather

I've discovered a surprising number of offbeat trends in indie games in the past few months. You've got grandma games, mental health games, games about saving a dying PC, and one of my personal favorites, bird games. You know, games like Fugl and Aer. Games about being a bird and doing oddly satisfying bird things, namely flying. Today, I'm pleased to add Fruits of a Feather to my list of bird games. It's a demo you can get on Itch for whatever price you want, starting at free. 

I say it's a demo, but prototype is probably more accurate. Fruits of a Feather is by Screencheat developer Samurai Punk, you see, and the studio is rebooting it as a new bird game, Feather, which is due out later this year. Artist Nicholas McDonnell recently shared a GIF of Feather on Twitter, and it looks lovely. 

Which isn't to say Fruits of a Feather isn't lovely, mind. It is, by all accounts, a fun bird game, and one with a bit more direction than most. Your goal is to collect all 192 fruits dotted around a pretty, low-poly island. Swooping down to snag a fruit as the wind whips by and your tail feathers part the water below never gets old, especially with some nice piano playing in the background. 

Austin Wood
Staff writer, GamesRadar

Austin freelanced for PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and has been a full-time writer at PC Gamer's sister publication GamesRadar+ since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a staff writer is just a cover-up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news, the occasional feature, and as much Genshin Impact as he can get away with.