May 1994 - PC Gamer reviews SimCity 2000

One of the advantages of being old is that you have plenty of stories to share. When we arrive at the PC Gamer word mines each day, a wall of our 243 US issues towers over us . Having that long library close at hand to flip through is a serious benefit to being here, and instead of keeping it all to ourselves, we thought it'd be nice to share some of these clippings with you each week.

Bask in the waves of nostalgia as we talk to the mavericks of PC gaming. Relive the releases of some of the biggest hits from the past with reviews or attempt to decipher high-concept advertisements. We've collected issues dating back to our very first in 1994, and are ready to share them with you each week, one page at a time.

We're kicking off this series with the SimCity 2000 review from our premier US issue in 1994, in which we praise the game's "high-res graphics," rendered at an incredible 640x480.

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PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.