Nvidia announces new gaming flagship RTX 3080 Ti and RTX 3070 Ti

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti render on black background
(Image credit: Nvidia)

Here come the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and RTX 3070 Ti. Having just been announced at the Computex virtual event, the ultra high-end card is set to release June 3, with the cheaper of the two following a week later on June 10. Whether we'll be able to nab one on those days is another matter entirely, as there's sure to be a rush.

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(Image credit: Steelseries)

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That's thanks to the raw power Nvidia is promising with these cards, with the RTX 3080 Ti basically looking like an RTX 3090, but omitting a significant chunk of onboard memory, and at a cheaper price point. So that's 12GB of GDDR6X memory starting at $1,199 (£1,049) for the Founders Edition.

The RTX 3070 Ti gets much the same treatment. It' going to be bolstered by faster GDDR6X memory, as the original non-Ti variant had to make do with GDDR6 VRAM, although still 8GB of the stuff. It will start out at $599 (£529). 

We'd heard rumours the cards would be coming out a week apart from one another, and that's ended up the case (nice of them to give us some time to write up reviews). So if you want the full scoop on performance, check back soon. 

Both the RTX 3080 Ti and RTX 3070 Ti will available in custom cooler flare from day one, including factory overclocked models. Nvidia lists its Founders Edition cards, such as the one pictured above, as 'Limited-edition', so get one while you can.

You'll want to keep an eye on on-sale availability if you want to stand a chance of buying either of these two graphics cards at launch. No doubt they'll be popular.

Katie Wickens
Hardware Writer

Screw sports, Katie would rather watch Intel, AMD and Nvidia go at it. Having been obsessed with computers and graphics for three long decades, she took Game Art and Design up to Masters level at uni, and has been rambling about games, tech and science—rather sarcastically—for four years since. She can be found admiring technological advancements, scrambling for scintillating Raspberry Pi projects, preaching cybersecurity awareness, sighing over semiconductors, and gawping at the latest GPU upgrades. Right now she's waiting patiently for her chance to upload her consciousness into the cloud.