Here's the most ridiculous game trailer you'll watch all week

 Scream at Tempura Shrimp. Spank a man with a boxing glove. Set yourself and others on fire(?) because you are a robot and do not care. Wreck a convenience store. Squirt a giant toothpaste. Wear a  pretty pink dress. Dodge a laser beam. Bake a fish.

These are all things you can do in upcoming Japanese indie game Pull Stay. Solo-developed by indie developer Nito Souji, Pull Stay is like if a Katamari rolled up an arcade full of beat 'em up and tower defense games. You're a robot who protects a shut-in, what in Japan is called a Hikikomori, a man who only leaves his house once every two months to get a haircut. 

The world wants the shut-in, Susumu, to change. So they come to mock him or laugh at him or because they are worried about him. You are Susumu's robot double, and you keep this from happening via traps, brawling, and destroying your neighbors' houses for raw materials. If this sounds absurd that's because it absolutely is.

There's a free demo of Pull Stay on from earlier this year, and the developer has a YouTube channel and a Twitter. You can also check out the game on Steam. Pull Stay is set to release in 2021. Here's the reveal trailer from last year, in the event that you watched this trailer and immediately needed more: 


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.