Your best Pillars of Eternity heroes

Earlier this week, I asked you to send me your Pillars of Eternity characters—screenshot, backstory and all. While Pillars' character customisation options may not allow for massive visual divergence, you nevertheless came back with a wide and varied range of heroes.
Here are PC Gamer's Ambassadors of Eternity...

Christopher Lee
"This is Christopher Lee, a wizard," explains I_M_Meen.
If the custom portrait wasn't enough, the character's .ogg voice lines have also been replaced, "because the American accents that came bundled with the game sucked."
"My character now talks properly, ie. like Christopher Lee."

Maybe you think the best thing about Arslan is that he's a Monk, that he favours great swords and staffs, or that he's, in the words of his creator, a "nature loving drifter looking for his place in the world".
I think the best thing about Arslan is that he was sent to us by a reader called "Arslan Apocalypse". That is a baller name.

Christian's barbarian Lagertha is just starting out on her adventuring career, and has killed just 24 enemies to-date. Y'see, people assume that barbarians are brutal and deadly from the off, but everyone has to start somewhere.
And here are those barbaric stats, if you're curious.

Taellaris (with Dog)
In Pillars of Eternity, not only can you play as a sort of goat-tree thing, but as a goat-tree thing with a dog. PCG reader 'Cyrille 0' has done just that with their character Taellaris. Unfortunately, we do not know the name of the dog.

Johannicus and Sharx
I'm just gonna let Johan take it from here with the description:
"My Death Godlike Aumaua hero(es) Johannicus (right) and Sharx (left).
"I'm actually playing it with my own twist to the tale. The main hero travelled with the caravan as the story goes, but when he got into the trouble he sent word to his friend, who also was a Death godlike, in the White that Wends and asked for her to join him. On his way to meet up with her he meets Edér and Aloth. Together they set out to find out what was going on. From there it continues..
"He is a helpful person even if he is a Death godlike. He always tries to solve things in a friendly matter unless people lie to him about what's going on. The only time he goes out of that box is if it involves the death god Berath, in which case he will support their plans."
Mig: 19
Con: 10
Dex: 14
Per: 10
Int: 15
Res: 10
"Johannicus wears a fine black and red robe with rabbit fur gloves and a cloak of a Eothasian priest. On his left hand is a ring of overseeing. He is armed with a fine wand and his grimoire of spells. His favoured spells are Slicken, which he usually opens with on groups and Necrotic Lance for those hard hitting single target situations.
"Sharx wears a fine black and purple brigandine and a pair of boots of evasion. On her arms is a pair of bracers of enduring, and on her back is a Rymrgand's Mantle. She also wears a girdle of mortal protection and on her left hand is a ring of minor deflection. She is armed with a Pike, which is her favoured weapon and has her extra focused on hitting with it. She tends to stand behind Edér and hit all his targets with her carnage ability."

Badr al-Din
Up to now, we've had a lot of fans of smacking things in the face. Henry's character is slightly different.
"My Orlan Cipher, Badr al-Din," writes Henry. "He's a warrior-merchant from the sandy plains of Ixamitl, come to a new land in his search for colossal wealth. His approach to life is minimise risk, maximise profit; he stays away from situations that don't offer an immediate reward, or carry too big of a potential for danger. He uses his soul manipulating power for his own gain, with little regard for others if they have no means of returning his favours."

"My newbie female Death Godlike human Cipher," writes Jason. "Figured out the custom profile picture thing."
That explains the terrifying visage staring back at us, then.

Here's Stoyan's Godlike Rogue, Theron. And here's Stoyan's enthusiastic praise for Pillars' character creation options:
"The moment I saw this race in the Hero creation menu I knew THIS IS IT! I always make my Video characters super badass and evil, but in the end I am the good guy on the team. I help every lost soul in Eora and every creature that deserves slaying. Theron is also usually the first one to fall in battle, however he is also the first one to spot a trap and disarm it skilfully. He may look hard on the outside, but has a soft heart inside."

Gaudaloht (with Party)
Here's our first fire Godlike: Gaudaloht, mercenary of the Deadfire Archipelago.
Owner Lucas would like you to know that his Barbarian's morning star has killed 312 foes, and is "a wall of meat fighting in the frontline".
"He just loves taking damage," Lucas explains, "just as he does dealing it; using the pain to break mayhem as he frenzies, becoming a fiery tornado of killing. Outside of the field of battle he is a benevolent fellow, quite passionate, and won't hesitate to use violence if you cut all his options (or if you insult his allies)."

Over to Eero, who is RPG'ing the hell out of this character:
"Here is my Moon godlike chanter tank. She diplomatic, maybe too clever mystic who has sweet spot for the weak and defenceless. She usually tries not to initiate conflicts but she don't abhor battle and bloodshed.
"Her starting attribute line is Mig 3, Con 11, Dex 10, Per 18, Int 19, Res 17
"Favourite tactic is to put her in front, let enemies cluster around, and let her chant with The Dragon Trashed, The Dragon Wailed to start burn enemies down, and then let the rest of the party start to shoot them and use their ranged AoE to enemies.
"Before high level phrases she used Come, Come Soft Winds of Death and Dull the Edge, Blunt the Point phrases. To help her keep enemies at bay.
"For Invocation she uses summons and The Thunder Rolled Like Waves on Black Seas and The Lover Cried out to the Beloved "I am Yours!" to give her ability get control over battle field in harder fights."
You can see more pictures through this Imgur album.

For the most part, I haven't included characters that didn't come with any additional information or explanation.
Sahasrahla's character is an exception to this rule. Conun the Barbarian is entirely self-explanatory.

PCG reader Lagoya is a concept artist/illustrator, and so designed a custom portrait for their character. "Show off," I mutter, with no small hint of jealousy.

"This is Smasher," explains Adrian. "His hobbies consist of the following: Smashing."

Sir VIncent, a Paladin, and his dog Ketsle.
"Vincent's preferred tactic is setting up ambushes anywhere he can, with a group consisting of 2 tanks and a ranger's fox to hold aggro, while the rest of the group sends volleys of assorted magics and projectiles into whatever small amount of force chases Sir Vincent back to the ambush site," explains creator Gnawl,

"My character is Eowyn," writes Charlie, "an Aedyr human priestess of Eothas. She is benevolent, passionate and honest. She isn't very impressed by animancy but she sees her new watcher powers as a way to help people."
She also loves cats, apparently. "Even evil zombie cats." She just really, really loves cats, you guys. Also savoury pies.

This is Tezzle:
"Tezzle specializes in the art of dual wield fighting," writes James. "In the heat of battle he whips around the battlefield finding the perfect spot for flanking and stabbing unsuspecting victims in the butt. When in the heat of battle he disappears without a trace. While his enemies are puzzled, Tezzle is already calculating his next attack with his infamous axe 'Hearth Harvest' and legendary dagger 'Oidhreacht'. Legend has it that once he disappears if you look close enough you can see the sun gleaming even at night off his benevolent armor 'Sun-Touched Mail of Hyran Rath', but it will be your last view of the sun before darkness overcomes you."
That all sounds pretty ominous, James, perhaps ruined only by the fact that YOUR CHARACTER'S LAST NAME IS 'SWAMPBOTTOM'.
What's a bard supposed to do with that, hey?

Finally, for now, this is Green...
"He's normally pretty chill until you eat his grass," writes Nate.
"He turns into a raging hulk reindeer and gores you to death pretty good if you do that."

That's all we've got time for, for now. We got loads of entries, though, and so I'll probably update with more Pillars' heroes in the future.
As before, if you've got a character you'd like us to highlight, provide an Imgur link in a comment below or email me with a screenshot and description.
Phil has been writing for PC Gamer for nearly a decade, starting out as a freelance writer covering everything from free games to MMOs. He eventually joined full-time as a news writer, before moving to the magazine to review immersive sims, RPGs and Hitman games. Now he leads PC Gamer's UK team, but still sometimes finds the time to write about his ongoing obsessions with Destiny 2, GTA Online and Apex Legends. When he's not levelling up battle passes, he's checking out the latest tactics game or dipping back into Guild Wars 2. He's largely responsible for the whole Tub Geralt thing, but still isn't sorry.