Giveaway: win tickets to the ESL One Dota 2 finals in Frankfurt

At the end of June some of the best Dota 2 teams in the world will meet in the 51,000-seat Commerzbank Arena to battle for a prize pool of nearly $200,000. It's sure to be a terrific event for anyone who loves Dota, or watching esports with huge crowds of fans, and we have five pairs of weekend passes to give away.

Teams include Fnatic , EG and International champs, Alliance and Na'Vi . They're playing for a prize pot enhanced by ESL's own version of the Dota 2 Compendium, with its own stretch goals.

The finals take place on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 of June. The tickets we're giving away will grant access to both days of competition. Alongside the games there will be autograph sessions , sessions with some of the Dota 2 workshop's most talented artists, a cosplay competition and a secret shop full of Dota 2 goodies.

To win a pair of tickets, invent a Dota 2 hero and describe them in under 50 words . Give them a name, and an ability. Please email your answer to with the subject header "ESL One Frankfurt Answer". Winners will be announced next Monday. NB: travel to Frankfurt isn't included as part of the prize.

UPDATE: we've had so many entries, we're going push back picking winners to Wednesday June 4. You're free to send your answers up until June 4, so there's still time!

UPDATE TWO: The winners have now been selected - no more submissions needed! We'll announce them shortly

If you'd like to buy tickets, you'll find various options on the ESL One Frankfurt bookings page . You can find out more in the event FAQ and on the ESL One Frankfurt site .


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