WIN Razer's entire set of Dragon Age 2 gear! (US only)

razer dragon age 2 giveaway

UPDATE: A champion has been chosen! Congrats to the insanely-fortunate winner, Adam Summers. If you see someone walking the streets decked out in chainmail and swinging a Dragon Age 2 DeathAdder mouse like a mace, you'll know that Summers has hit the scene. Thanks to everyone that entered!

Heroism demands heroic gear. The Champion of Kirkwall doesn't lunge into a line of mad-evil Darkspawn with his mom's Dell ergonomic keyboard; Hawke can't clean-cut Ogres on a laptop trackpad.

We've partnered with one of PC gaming's best blacksmiths, Razer, to secure their full set of Dragon Age 2 peripherals and equipment --a branded DeathAdder mouse, BlackWidow keyboard, gaming mat, controller and messenger bag. Using these items simultaneously confers bonuses to nerdery that we can't possibly quantify.

To have a crack at this cache of epic gear--a combined value of more than $385-- all you need to do is "Like" PC Gamer on Facebook and, separately, comment on the respective contest post on Facebook here . We'll select one random, yet unbelievably lucky winner on Friday.


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