This Stardew Valley mod adds a cute cafe run by twin NPCs

(Image credit: Sierra Schedin)

Stardew Valley's Pelican Town is a small and humble community. There's a couple of stores, health clinic, museum, blacksmiths, the Stardrop Saloon and that's about it. There's always room for more business in the Sleepy Town of Stardew—especially if it's a super cute cafe that sells green tea and is owned by a set of twins. If that very specific scenario sounds like something you would like then you're in luck, the Stray Catfe mod adds a relaxing cafe to Stardew's community. 

The Stray Catfe mod is created by Sierra Schedin and includes a cosy cafe and a pair of twins who run it. Theo and Tabitha are two fully formed NPCs who have their own dialogue, backstory, schedules, and events. The pair have recently moved to Pelican Town to open a cafe with Tabitha serving the drinks and Theo handling the paperwork.

The cafe has its own mini-map that is located south of the bus stop and sells coffee, green tea, omelettes, and a complete breakfast. It's conveniently placed right next to your farm, meaning it's not too far to get a sweet pick-me-up after a hard morning's work. Theo and Tabitha are both romanceable and available for marriage, just don't go romancing them both because that would just a little bit weird.

The Stray Catfe mod is available to download over on nexus mods but Sierra has made a note that the build is currently in beta and for users to bare this in mind when playing. Sierra also says that they are planning on adding more additional content soon with instructions on how to download the mod listed at the bottom of the mod's description.

(Image credit: Sierra Schedin)

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Rachel Watts

Rachel had been bouncing around different gaming websites as a freelancer and staff writer for three years before settling at PC Gamer back in 2019. She mainly writes reviews, previews, and features, but on rare occasions will switch it up with news and guides. When she's not taking hundreds of screenshots of the latest indie darling, you can find her nurturing her parsnip empire in Stardew Valley and planning an axolotl uprising in Minecraft. She loves 'stop and smell the roses' games—her proudest gaming moment being the one time she kept her virtual potted plants alive for over a year.