PC Gamer UK Podcast 002: Planet Coaster, HTC Vive, The Division

Planet Coaster Alpha Screenshots (2)

Can we turn rollercoasters into deathtraps? Can we take down our target in convoluted ways? Can we hold meetings from the cockpit of a Cobra Mk.IV? Can we aim a bolt-action rifle at the critical consensus? Can we alienate ourselves from a quaint country community? Can we order an R2 unit to gather our berries? Yes, we can do all of these things. But should we?

Grab Episode 002: We Can, But Should We? directly here. You can also subscribe on iTunes or keep up with new releases using our RSS feed.

Discussed: Planet Coaster, Hitman, HTC Vive, The Division, Stardew Valley, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Calls of Duty (Various).

This week: Samuel Roberts, Tom Senior, Phil Savage, Andy Kelly

Note: This week, Andy got the duff mic. Apologies that he’s so quiet. The good news is that we’ve now identified the duff mic. We’ll get a replacement sorted for next week’s cast.

The PC Gamer UK Podcast is a weekly podcast about PC gaming. Thoughts? Feedback? Requests? Get in touch at pcgamer@futurenet.com and use the subject line “Podcast”, or tweet us via the links above.

Music this week is from Red Alert.


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