One day left to grab your free copy of SpaceChem, new free game tomorrow

Hundreds of thousands have already claimed their Steam key for the excellent puzzle game, SpaceChem. A quick reminder for those who haven't, you have until tomorrow at 5PM UK time to get your free key here . As mentioned, we'll be changing up the giveaway every Wednesday, which means we'll have a million Steam keys for a new game to give away tomorrow. I can't say what it'll be yet, but I can say it has dinosaurs in it.

We're teaming up with Bundle Stars for this—our biggest giveaway ever. They specialise in selling indie bundles at heavy discounts, but also sell individual games. Right now, for example, Mount & Blade: Warband is 75% off, and the insane Postal games are going for pittance.

SpaceChem was released in 2011 by Zachtronics, who also made the fast-paced card-based battler, Ironclad Tactics . SpaceChem earned a score of 89 in our review , which praised the puzzle game for its challenging difficulty and interesting story.

SpaceChem is just the first of five games we're giving away over the coming weeks. Entry will require a Facebook like or a Twitter follow, depending on the week, but for a click you'll get a Steam key you can redeem straight away. If you've already taken a key for SpaceChem, allow me to thank you on behalf of your brain cells for the exercise. Come back tomorrow for free dinosaurs.


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