GamesAid throws comedy bash for charity

UK games industry charity, GamesAid , are putting on a show for those who enjoy the human act of laughing. To help, they've assembled a group of professionals whose entire job consists of making other humans convulse, chuckle, guffaw and in extreme cases shed liquid cheer from their eyeballs. These people employ wit, charm, snark and sometimes silly faces to encourage joyful juddering, and will ply their trade on April 15 at the Picadilly Circus Comedy Store in London to raise money for GamesAid's portfolio of children's charities.

The lineup includes Imran Yusuf, Paul Thorne, The Boy with Tape on his Face, Prince Abdi Paul McCaffrey, Kev Orkian, The Noise Next Door and - announced yesterday - Paul Tonkinson, who has been funny all over the world and won a brace of Time Out awards for his troubles. You might have seen him on the telly, on Michael MacIntyre's comedy roadshow . You might have seen him in the street. He looks like this .

GamesAid describes itself as "a broker of charitable activity on behalf of individuals and companies within the UK video games industry." They support a variety of small to medium sized children's charities in the UK voted for by its members, charities like Jigsaw 4U , Action for Kids , Small Steps , Special Effect and The Willow Foundation . If you're in the area and enjoy the physical sensation of laughter, tickets cost £10 and it starts at 8pm.


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