Fantasy air combat game The Falconeer is looking better and better in new teasers

(Image credit: Little Chicken Game Company)

Who wants to ride a giant bird into battle, soaring into fantasy aerial dogfights against dragons, airships, and whatever a razor beetle is? I do, and so do you probably. We last saw some of indie game The Falconeer last year after Gamescom, but it has come a ways since then and only looks better. Check out the game in motion, courtesy of its developer: 

(Image credit: Little Chicken Game Company)

(Image credit: Little Chicken Game Company)

It’s described as a classic dogfighting game with an aerobatic twist, focusing on the unique capabilities of a living thing over a plane. The bird can roll and spin, reverse, tuck and dive, in very engaging looking ways. It’s certainly lovely in motion. The Falconeer will center around the eponymous pilot navigating an open world called the Ursee, doing jobs for its factions, and choosing whether the rich and powerful or the poor and downtrodden, or maybe just the pirates, will be the world’s masters. Tomas Sala is The Falconeer’s designer-developer, based out of Amsterdam. It feels like the Netherlands are becoming a place to watch for interesting game design—from big developers like Guerilla Games to ultra-indies like the Sokpop Collective.

 You can learn more about The Falconeer at its official website or go check out The Falconeer on Steam. It’s due to release this year for PC and Xbox. 

Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.