Essential Google Chrome update thwarts security vulnerability

Google Chrome
(Image credit: Anadolu Agency (Getty Images))

Chrome users are going to want to get on the latest browser update ASAP regardless of whether you're using Windows, Mac, or Linux. This one affects us all and is aiming to fix a security exploit that has been actively exploited by hackers.

The official releases blog for Chrome (spotted by The Verge) explains that an anonymous user had recently reported the bug that relates to the data validation in some of the runtime libraries used by Chrome. Google is purposefully keeping details about the exploit under wraps to avoid further exploits, especially as the update is still rolling out.

The security vulnerability has been described as a high risk and users should take care to check that they are running the latest software. The version number you're looking for is 105.0.5195.102 across all the desktop platforms and you should be able to check this in the settings on your browser. 

On Windows you can find it by clicking on the three dots under the close window X on the top left hand side of the screen. Find the settings menu which will open as a new tab, and click on the About Chrome option which should be at the bottom of the left hand list. Here you can see what version of Chrome you're running, and whether or not you're all up to date.

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It feels like Chrome has been seeing its fair share of updates for security reasons lately, which can be a bit of a double edged sword. On the one hand it is worrying that we're seeing so many security issues, especially so soon after the last lot of patches. But on the other it's great to see people are reporting these exploits and that they're being fixed.

With Google still keeping its cards to its chest on this exploit, it's hard to say in what way users were affected and what hackers were able to achieve. Still given the wide variety of tasks we use our browsers for, including storing passwords and internet banking, any exploit can feel dangerous. Make sure to stay safe out there, and perform all your security updates as you're browsing the world wide weberverse. 

Hope Corrigan
Hardware Writer

Hope’s been writing about games for about a decade, starting out way back when on the Australian Nintendo fan site Since then, she’s talked far too much about games and tech for publications such as Techlife, Byteside, IGN, and GameSpot. Of course there’s also here at PC Gamer, where she gets to indulge her inner hardware nerd with news and reviews. You can usually find Hope fawning over some art, tech, or likely a wonderful combination of them both and where relevant she’ll share them with you here. When she’s not writing about the amazing creations of others, she’s working on what she hopes will one day be her own. You can find her fictional chill out ambient far future sci-fi radio show/album/listening experience podcast right here. No, she’s not kidding.