Developers: Announce your game at The PC Gaming Show!

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We're only two months away from another PC Gaming Show. We're excited to help give PC gaming its own stage during E3—more than ever, our favorite hobby deserves a big showcase for new projects. This year's lineup is looking great, and we'll be announcing some participants in the coming weeks.

While there's still time left, we're putting out a call to developers who have unrevealed projects—if you're working on an unannounced game, crowdfunded project, Steam Greenlight pitch, or, say, a spiritual successor to No One Lives Forever, we'd love to work with you to bring your game to the stage during E3. Email Evan Lahti, US Editor-in-Chief, at

Last year's debut PC Gaming Show drew over 880,000 live viewers, and we'll have an even better time slot this year: Monday, June 13 at 12 noon Pacific. For more information, head to


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