E3 2011: Carmack itching to make Rage 2

Rage Thumbnail E3

Id software may be coming to the end of development on their open(ish) world shooter Rage, but tech-god and Id software co-founder John Carmack is already planning to iterate on the success of their game with Rage 2. Speaking to PC Gamer at the E3 press conference, John explained how happy he was with the shops, exporation and driving in Rage, and how Id plan to iterate on them in Rage 2.

While we have corridor shooter maps in Rage, there's much more to it. It has all of the driving and the exploration and the towns that come in,” says Carmack. “It doesn't detract from the shooting at all. It can still be an incredibly fast, guns blazing action shooter, but when you're taking a break from that you can kit yourself out with extra stuff. All of the towns, driving and exploration have turned out to be very beneficial to the game. I'm very excited for where we'll go with this in Rage 2.”

Rage was looking spectacular on the show floor today, but you'll have to wait until Quakecon to see the PC version live. Here's the latest trailer.

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