Guild Wars 2 prepares for Bazaar of the Four Winds, ArenaNet reiterate two week cycle

Something as trivial as a Sky Pirate invasion isn't going to stop ArenaNet from announcing their next Guild Wars 2 update. While the Sky Pirates of Tyria is still in full swing - only yesterday updating with a nightmarishly confusing steampunk base/jumping puzzle - we've now got details for the upcoming event, Bazaar of the Four Winds.

That's because of the previously revealed two-week update cycle, which today ArenaNet confirmed their commitment to. "Our goal is to make Guild Wars 2 the most frequently updated and best supported game experience you can find," writes game director Colin Johanson, "and to that end, every two weeks there will be a release with brand new playable content and a mix of supporting features and updates across the entire game. As you read these words, a release is seven days or less away or has just happened within the last seven days— those are now the only two states you'll find the world of Tyria."

For the next update, players will get access to a new mini-game, a "sprint race", and scavenger hunt, with a selection of rewards available for participating in these various events. Beyond the added activities, the achievement system is being tweaked with a UI overhaul and new reward system.

There's also a new PvP map planned. Skyhammer is teased as "a high-tech asura lab packed with jump pads, shattering floor panels, and one gigantic mega cannon." Video below.

More details on Bazaar of the Four Winds are available at the update page .

Phil Savage

Phil has been writing for PC Gamer for nearly a decade, starting out as a freelance writer covering everything from free games to MMOs. He eventually joined full-time as a news writer, before moving to the magazine to review immersive sims, RPGs and Hitman games. Now he leads PC Gamer's UK team, but still sometimes finds the time to write about his ongoing obsessions with Destiny 2, GTA Online and Apex Legends. When he's not levelling up battle passes, he's checking out the latest tactics game or dipping back into Guild Wars 2. He's largely responsible for the whole Tub Geralt thing, but still isn't sorry.