How to get the Hush in Destiny 2's Season of Opulence

Destiny 2's Season of Opulence kicked off on June 4 with the Crown of Sorrows raid and a new 6-player matchmade activity called the Menagerie. 

This season's Gambit pinnacle is a bow. The archetype hasn't fared terribly well since it was introduced in Forsaken. We've had a few exotic bows, and a black armory bow, but none have really proven better at a given activity than a gun. Can Hush change that?

Hush's unique perk 'Archer's Gambit' works like this: "Hipfired precision shots give a massive draw-speed bonus". The bow's secondary perk will probably decide whether that increased rate of fire will make the bow an effective add clearer or good at downing yellow bar enemies, or even bosses. A Firefly perk would help it clear mobs, but given the gambit focus, it might end up being good at taking down yellow bars and high value targets.

How to unlock the Hush Combat Bow

For the first (and easiest) step you'll need to head over to the Tower and pick up the 'Hush, Little Baby' quest from The Drifter.  Once you've done that, equip a bow and jump into any Gambit match to begin the grind to complete the following quest requirements:

  • Land 1,000 final blows with any bow
  • Land 500 precision final blows with any bow
  • Fill up the progress bar by earning medals

The good news is you won't lose any progress in the last step if you lose a match. Once all three requirements are met, you'll net yourself the Hush Combat Bow.

The Hush is quite a different proposition compared to the other two pinnacle weapons, which include a grenade launcher that eats motes of Light, and a sniper rifle that returns missed shots to the mag.

For more on Destiny 2's Season of Opulence check out our power levelling guide, so you can get a quick start when the power cap lifts to 750. In the meantime check out the latest Season of Opulence update, with the first footage of the new season's Menagerie mode.

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