This Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM is 50% off at Amazon, in 16GB or 32GB bundles

Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM is 50% off at Amazon
Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM is 50% off at Amazon

Increasingly, the best PC games are putting more and more demand on your RAM. If you’re looking to upgrade in 2019, we’d heartily recommend you buying 16GB as a minimum, with 32GB if you’re looking to future-proof your gaming build. Good news, then, that currently has some of our favorite DDR4 RAM for more than 50 percent less right now. You can pick up 16GB of Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4, at 3200 Mhz with a 2x8GB stick configuration for £136, saving you a whopping 55 percent on the ‘normal’ price. If you’re looking for 32GB, you can get the same RAM in 2x16GB configuration for £275 (saving yourself £300 off the list price). And, yes, both give you free delivery if you have Amazon Prime.

Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM | 16GB | £136 (save 55%)

Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM | 16GB | £136 (save 55%)
Here's the RAM in 2x8GB format. You're saving £164 on the list price, which is a little high, but still this is excellent value for these sticks.

Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM | 32GB | £275 (save 53%)

Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 RAM | 32GB | £275 (save 53%)
And this is the RAM in 2x16GB format. Here the discount is £300, which is again a bit high, but still represents a quality saving on the RAM you actually get. 

The Corsair Dominator Platinum series is some serious DDR4 RAM, and we only recently replaced it in our best RAM for gaming buying guide to bring in the RGB version, which currently sits in the #1 slot. We recommend the 3200 MHz version, which is on offer here, but you still get excellent performance from the 3000 Mhz too. It’s suitable for mid / high-end gaming builds, and works with most modern mobos, although you likely don’t need such powerful RAM in a more budget PC. It plays well with AMD components too, if that’s how you’ve built your rig.

The price of RAM has fluctuated plenty over the last 12 months, and these kits were hugely expensive for most of 2018. They’ve been a little cheaper in 2017, but this is the best price on both for over a year, so now is the time to upgrade, if you’ve been holding out. The list prices are high, but you're still getting great value on both kits.

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