Rocket Raccoon's super move highlighted in new Marvel vs Capcom Infinite video

Last week, we saw a gameplay video of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, which showed off characters like Thor, Hawkeye, Strider Hiryu, and Chun-Li. With the arrival of that trailer, Capcom said we would get a look at Guardians of the Galaxy's Rocket Raccoon at a later date.

Well, I guess we've reached that later date because the game's official Twitter account posted a video of the wily raccoon performing his Super Move on Avengers villain Ultron. Of course, he gets a little help from his tree buddy Groot before making a point in finishing off the dang robot himself. He pulls out a giant gun as raccoons are wont to do and blasts him away. He then looks at the camera and says his popular catchphrase, "The needs of the raccoon outweighs the needs of the few." (alright, alright... he actually says, "Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me.")

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Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite hits PC on September 19. With Rocket Raccoon's return to the series, it further cements the idea that Infinite will focus on characters from Marvel's cinematic universe, which is a bummer. As I've said before, the X-Men are incredibly important to this series (it started with X-Men vs Street Fighter in 1996), and it would be a dang shame if Wolverine, Magneto, and friends didn't show up. 

Despite the lack of mutants, Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite sounds fairly promising. You can read our preview of the upcoming fighting game here, in which Andi Hamilton goes into detail about how it's becoming more approachable for new fans, while still being satisfying for hardcore players.