Aion 2.0: Silentera Canyon survival guide

Silentera Canyon - Quests

Elyos Quests

Well looky there, we've compiled all the Elyos quests in Silentera Canyon:

Quest Name | Required Level | Detailed Region | Conditions of Occurring | Reward

  • Obtain Jotun Relics [repetition 255times] | 53 | Jotun Square | A conversation with an NPC (Perry) | Exp 1802200/21200 Kina, Gellius' Pouch one
  • Poison Paradise | 52 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Steurios) | Exp 3565700/89820 Kina, Greater Healing Potion 40 pieces
  • Subordinate Turned Into Statue | 53 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Gellius) | Exp 1320500
  • For My Wife | 53 | Eltnen Fortress | A conversation with an NPC (Gellius) | Exp 1320500
  • Dirvisia's Sorrow | 53 | Interior of Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Gellius) | Exp 3119800/71810 Kina, Manastone: HP +95 one piece, Manastone: MP +95 one piece, Manastone: Magic Boost +27 one piece, Manastone: Crit Strike +17, one-choose one piece
  • Difficult Scouting Mission | 53 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Lania) | Exp 3752000/27360 Kina, Major Life Serum six pieces, Major Mana Serum six-choose one piece

Asmodian Quests

Wowzers, the Asmodian quests too:

Quest Name | Required Level | Detailed Region | Conditions of Occurring | Reward

  • Important Relics[repetition 255times] | 53 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Rueur) | Exp 1802200/21200 Kina, Gelastra's Pouch one
  • Poison Problem | 52 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Sulbanyer) | Exp 3565700/89820 Kina, Greater Healing Potion 40 pieces
  • Flesh to Stone | 53 | Morheim | A conversation with an NPC (Nep) | Exp 1465400
  • Stone to Flesh | 53 | Morheim | A conversation with an NPC (Nep) | Exp 3119800
  • Nep's Love | 53 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Nep) | Exp 3119800/71810 Kina, Manastone: HP +95 one piece, Manastone: Crit Strike +17 one-choose one piece
  • Vili's Mind | 53 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Vili) | Exp 3119800/71810 Kina, Manastone: MP +95 one piece, Manastone: Magic Boost +27 one-choose one piece
  • Important Scouting Mission | 53 | Silentera Canyon | A conversation with an NPC (Vergelan) | Exp 3752000/27360 Kina, Major Life Serum six pieces, Major Mana Serum six-choose one piece

Silentera Canyon - notable NPCs

Within Silentera Canyon a couple of crafty Shugo have managed to bring back Brand-name apparel from Elysea and Asmodae. Don't be fooled by their seemingly kind nature, though; they're in it for profit. These Shugo are the only way to obtain the opposing race's Brand-name apparel, and you'll pay a considerable amount more than what the shops in each capitol city charge. These shugo will appear randomly and only for a short amount of time, so keep your eyes open! There are also NPCs who exchange daily quest tokens within the corridor.

Token exchange NPC

Brand-name Apparel Merchant

A journey ends

And there you have it folks. We've raised you up from wee little Asmodians and Elyos to level 55 behemoths. Now that we're through, sit back and absorb all the sacred knowledge you've learned, and take comfort in the fact that you'll never risk getting lost in the Silentera Canyon. Assault on Balaurea is just around the corner, September 7 in fact. So keep this, and our other Aion guides close at hand for the big release.