Aion 2.0: Silentera Canyon survival guide

How to use Silentera Canyon

There are two entrances into and six exits from the Silentera Canyon. The two entrances can only be used by the respective zone's race, but all six exits can be used regardless of which race you are. Three of these exits lead to Inggison, while the other three lead to Gelkmaros. There are no Obelisks in Silentera Canyon. In addition, you cannot use Kisks while inside, and some areas near the exits are also restricted. Even after you exit from the passageway, dangers will still exist until you install a Kisk in a safe place.

Connection Structure between the Balaurea and the Silentera Canyon:

  • X & X Entrances of Elyos and Asmodians
  • 1. Inggison - Angrief Pass
  • 2. Inggison - Hanarkand Pass
  • 3. Inggison - Primeval Pass
  • A. Gelkmaros - Mitrakand Pass
  • B. Gelkmaros - Vorgaltem Pass
  • C. Gelkmaros - Earthfang Pass

1. Inggison - Angrief Ruins

You can exit to the Angrief Ruins (1) in the Inggison area. You will begin on a hill that is a little higher from the ground if you exit here. As long as the enemy race does not follow you through the same exit, this starting point is mostly safe. You can install a Kisk outside of this exit.

2. Inggison - Hanarkand Pass

You can exit to Hanarkand Pass (2) in the Inggison area. You need to be careful while moving since there are numerous elite monsters in Hanarkand. Fortunately, the exit is at high altitude and is right near a Windstream. By using Windstreams and Geysers, you will be able to exit the elite monster area in a safer manner.

Asmodian players exiting from this location may find the merchant NPC Armanerk that sells Elyos apparel. Armanerk appears at random and only remains for a short time. If waiting for Armanerk, be aware that Elyos players will also be using this exit. You cannot install a Kisk outside of this exit.

3. Inggison – Forest of Antiquity

This exit leads to the Forest of Antiquity (3) where Elite and Heroic grade Balaur reside. The place where you exit may appear to be safe, but monsters in this area are very strong and it will be difficult to exit the area without a proper force. Players can move through this exit without going through the major battle areas of Silentera Canyon such as Jotun Square and Hope's Demise, so use this exit effectively when the interior battle is fierce. You cannot install a Kisk outside of this exit.

A. Gelkmaros - Mitrakand

Upon exiting to Mitrakand (A), you will begin on an elevated hill. Elite Balaur dwell here, so be cautious about your movement. In front of the beginning location, there is the Windstream that will transport to a safer location. You cannot install a Kisk outside of this exit.

B. Gelkmaros - Vorgaltem Battlefield

If you exit to the Vorgaltem Battlefield (B), you will begin on a hill above the pathway. Elyos players be aware, this is a high-traffic area for Asmodians since it is near their entrance to the Silentera Canyon. Elyos players exiting from this location may find the merchant NPC Pradaaknerk that sells Asmodian apparel. Pradaaknerk appears at random and only stays for a short while. If waiting here for Pradaaknerk, be aware that Asmodian players will also be using this exit. You can install a Kisk outside of this exit.

C. Gelkmaros - Earthfang Gorge

If exiting to Earthfang Gorge (C), be extremely careful as there are Heroic and Elite grade Balaur here. The starting point is very safe, but the only way out is through Petralith Canyon. If you are alone, your chance of survival will be quite low. Be aware that the Windstream right in front of the exit point does not lead you out of this dangerous area. Instead you will move deeper into Earthfang Gorge.

Players can move through this exit without going through the major battle areas of Silentera Canyon such as Jotun Square and Hope's Demise, so use this exit effectively when the interior battle is fierce. You cannot install a Kisk outside of this exit.