Your best Dragon Age inquisitors

Here comes the Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition is out, and that means hundreds of thousands of custom made characters are now journeying through Thedas. Last week, we asked readers to send us screenshots of their Inquisitor. Here are some of our favourites.

One of the hardest things about the character creator is knowing how your Inquisitor will look when pulling facial expressions. Bloodtype0pos's human warrior really captures a natural, cheeky smile. Good work.

James Harvey
James's creation invites adjectives like "rugged," "dashing," "rogue-ish" and "a bit purple for some reason".

"I restarted and it was a good idea, I'm now 100% satisfied with my character." The first, Nalrya says, was "unintentionally" close to Miley Cyrus.

When it comes to elven Inquisitors, I find that there's a thin line between face tattoo and tragic felt-tip pen accident. Pekish79 stops just short of the latter.

"They look like they could've shipped with the game," enthuses Aggelitus, "unlike in certain other games where it's obvious which character you made and which characters are your companions." Clearly you've not seen the next slide...

The fact this was taken in the character creator suggests he never made it into the game proper. If you're reading, LeRosbif: you will win my undying respect if you send a screenshot showing this guy on the final mission.

Dammit, Geralt. Your game isn't until next year.

Kevin Németh
Kevin spent two hours making his Inquisitor. Which is why she looks like that, and not, say, this guy.

A rather striking Inquisitor from Corpsehatch. Much more so than I would expect from somebody who calls themself "Corpsehatch".

If Daenerys Targaryen was an elf possessed by the colour purple, she might look a bit like theRubin's mage.

"Imagine that David Bowie met Legolas and had a love child," explains Zariel. Coincidentally, the character's expression mirrors that of someone imagining David Bowie and Legolas making a love child.

Astro Vampyr
Here's Locke, a human rogue. The trimmed stubble may be inviting, but the eyebrows warn of untamed danger.

How about Natalie Portman as the Inquisitor, asks xnamxoutlawx. It's a fair resemblance, although I'm yet to see Natalie Portman draw red squiggles on her face.

Another elf Inquisitor. Where are the dwarves? Where are the Qunari? Why don't our readers won't to be giant, horny grey people?

"I like how her eyes match the holes in the sky," says Wobbin. Presumably he means their colour, and not that demons crawl out of them.

At last, a Qunari. "Used Maleficent as a baseline," explains Frenziedmuffin, "then added what I liked." Here she is in the character creator.

Steve Kleinerman
Is it my imagination, or is Steve's elven Inquisitor jealously eyeing up Cassandra's hair? It is good hair.

Hiro Dovahkiin
Another Inquisitor with bright green eyes. It's proof that, when given the choice, people trend towards not picking realistic eye colours like "shitty blue," or "kinda brown, I guess". It's just one more reason why games are better than reality.

Our last Inquisitor, and a Qunari at that. If you've been keeping count, that's nine elves, eight humans, two Qunari and no dwarves.
Then again, isn't Varric all the dwarf we'll ever need?
Phil has been writing for PC Gamer for nearly a decade, starting out as a freelance writer covering everything from free games to MMOs. He eventually joined full-time as a news writer, before moving to the magazine to review immersive sims, RPGs and Hitman games. Now he leads PC Gamer's UK team, but still sometimes finds the time to write about his ongoing obsessions with Destiny 2, GTA Online and Apex Legends. When he's not levelling up battle passes, he's checking out the latest tactics game or dipping back into Guild Wars 2. He's largely responsible for the whole Tub Geralt thing, but still isn't sorry.