You might get evicted when Wastelanders move into Fallout 76

(Image credit: Bethesda Softworks)

The imminent arrival of Fallout 76's Wastelanders expansion might mean it's also time for a few players to pack up camp and find a new spot. All those incoming human NPCs need places to pitch their own tents and, announced today on the Fallout Twitter account, Bethesda's already promised them the land. That means anyone currently homesteading in a newly designated no-build-zone will need to find a new spot to plant some roots. 

Check the map below to see if you're getting evicted. 

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For all the nomads, it's probably no biggie. That's the life of a wastelander, after all. But if anyone built an elaborate camp tailored to a specific environment, it's going to sting a bit. Luckily the camp system keeps all your stuff intact no matter where you take it, but I'm not sure the same rules apply to the human heart. 

To ease the burden, Bethesda's also taking care of the moving bill, but only if you're posted up on a no-build-zone. 

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I'm thinking all this change, painful or not, will be good for Fallout 76 in the end. I'm hankering for something that hews closer to the Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas experience (I can take or leave Fallout 4), and Lauren's mostly kind words about her early go at Wastelanders has me excited for April 14. 

"If I were to run down a checklist, Wastelanders adds almost everything I'd asked for. It's cribbed a list dialogue system similar to Fallout 3 and New Vegas instead of the quasi-radial menu from Fallout 4," she writes. "Most importantly, it's got humans and, quality of the people themselves aside, my lizard brain just likes them more than Mr. Handys and Protectrons."

She also digs the instanced areas that reflect the broader repercussions of her dialogue choices, a few of which sound like the graphic, morally pus-yellow choices I expect from Fallout, like sparing certain characters an immediate death for a slower, more horrific one. 

It sounds like Wastelanders is moving towards something more palatable for everyone, a more traditional 3D Fallout game with some social elements. Like Animal Crossing, but the animals have two heads and shoulder pads made from car tires. Let's just hope everyone affected by evictions makes a smooth transition into a busier wasteland.

James Davenport

James is stuck in an endless loop, playing the Dark Souls games on repeat until Elden Ring and Silksong set him free. He's a truffle pig for indie horror and weird FPS games too, seeking out games that actively hurt to play. Otherwise he's wandering Austin, identifying mushrooms and doodling grackles.