PSA: You can grab a free Overwatch battletag change until November 5th

Image for PSA: You can grab a free Overwatch battletag change until November 5th
(Image credit: Blizzard)

Through November 5, 2021 players on Battlenet can change the battletag associated with their Overwatch account for free. It's only available for the limited time through the 5th of November, and you can only grab it if you don't already have a free name change on your account. 

So if you already have one, use it and snag another free one, I guess.

It's a great opportunity if you, like Blizzard, regret the name you chose. Such as, for example, a prominent character in your shooter. 

For you, however, it's probably more like when I chose my StarCraft username back in the 90s and misspelled it.

The announcement was made via Twitter, and the official form is linked on the Overwatch blog.

Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.