PC Gamer presents World of Tanks: a definitive 148 page guide, for iPad and iPhone


World of Tanks is one of the most popular free to play games in the world for a few reasons. It's got tanks in it, sure, that goes a long way, but it also walks a perfect line between accessibility and complexity. The interface may be friendly and easy to jump into, but after a few hours you come to realise that there's tremendous strategic depth to WoT's team battles. In a matter of a few years World of Tanks has spawned a fierce esports community, ensnared millions of players around the world and grown to include dozens of new tanks, maps and game modes.

Whether you're just starting out with World of Tanks or consider yourself a veteran, you'll find plenty of insider info, guides, interviews, competitions and giveaways in our massive 148 page iDevice guide to World of Tanks. We've taken apart every map, analysed every tech tree, driven every tank, modded them, painted them and driven them off cliffs to provide a comprehensive go-to compendium of tanky knowledge for newcomers and seasoned generals alike.

The digimag also comes with up to £10 worth of free stuff :

  • Bonus codes worth £6 for existing players only: 1500 Gold

  • Invite codes worth £10 for new players only: 250 Gold + 1 week Premium account + Techrach Premium Tank

Claim your in-game items by collecting your free code when you download the magazine .

Terms & Conditions

Free codes are subject to availability. To receive your free code, drop a short email with your proof of purchase to pcgamer.giftageddon@futurenet.com. An email receipt from any of the digital sellers will do just fine. Please allow up to 72 hours for a response, in case of high demand. Note that these codes will only work in the EU and US. This offer expires on December 31st.

Download The Ultimate Guide to World of Tanks for your iThing! Click here to download straight to your iPad or iPhone .


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