I'm a weirdo and these are my favourite crappy Prime Day deals

A collection of weird prime day deal images on a blue background with an Amazon prime logo
(Image credit: Future)

Prime Day festivities have finally worn me down to trawling for the weirdest stuff I can find, just so I have something relevant to be overly sarcastic about. These aren't all what we'd class as 'weird' necessarily—some are just utter garbage.

Hilariously there are a couple I'd be liable to buy myself, if only for the meme. But a word of warning: we take no responsibility for the quality of the products you receive, should you waste your hard earned cash on any of these trinkets. 

There's something about the following list that is quite humbling, though. From the useless and false economical to the downright tasteless, it's a kind of fool's legacy. We were here this day to witness crimes against ecommerce, and there were as many this year as any other Prime Day.

Elf Earbuds | Ergonomic | Soft |$13.99 $11.19 at Amazon (save $2.80)

Elf Earbuds | Ergonomic | Soft | $13.99 $11.19 at Amazon (save $2.80)
Quite possibly the most out there earbuds ever made, you can get these elf themed goodies for just $11, despite the fact you can buy some of the same questionable quality for $4.99 elsewhere. They apparently boast "Inspiring full range sound," and while I'm not convinced for that price, they could make for a funny present to your elf kin.

Helth Meme Man Doctor Outdoor Mask | Activated carbon | Replaceable filter |$7.50 $4.99 at Amazon (save $2.51)

Helth Meme Man Doctor Outdoor Mask | Activated carbon | Replaceable filter | $7.50 $4.99 at Amazon (save $2.51)
I love a wholesome meme but it's the top comment that really made this one: Five stars, "I actually ordered this as a joke to my wife. Mostly so I can walk around saying it and drive her a little crazy. Which worked, but what made it so hard to stop joking around is how comfortable this mask is. To summarize, I have a really comfortable mask that I cannot wear for long because I successfully annoyed my wife with it." Worth buying for that alone? Perhaps.

Colorful Video Game Art Print | Colourful | FOr GaMErS |$12.99 $10.39 at Amazon (save $2.60)

Colorful Video Game Art Print | Colourful | FOr GaMErS | $12.99 $10.39 at Amazon (save $2.60)
Apparently these inspirational quote posters are "Perfect for Kids Boy Bedroom." Don't these just capture us so well? I mean, that's totally how we gamers sound, right? I'm afraid these fall into the category of gamer themed gear designed presumably by those who've never touched a keyboard other than to henpeck an email to an old friend.

Katie Wickens
Hardware Writer

Screw sports, Katie would rather watch Intel, AMD and Nvidia go at it. Having been obsessed with computers and graphics for three long decades, she took Game Art and Design up to Masters level at uni, and has been rambling about games, tech and science—rather sarcastically—for four years since. She can be found admiring technological advancements, scrambling for scintillating Raspberry Pi projects, preaching cybersecurity awareness, sighing over semiconductors, and gawping at the latest GPU upgrades. Right now she's waiting patiently for her chance to upload her consciousness into the cloud.