Giveaway: Win a SteelSeries Rival Dota 2 Edition Mouse and SteelSeries Siberia V2 Dota 2 Edition Headset

This weekend, the world's best Dota 2 teams will gather to compete for the biggest award in e-sports' history. While that life-changing prize is out of reach to all but the most talented of players, we can soften the blow with a chance to win some quality gaming peripherals and exclusive Dota 2 items. We're giving away three sets of SteelSeries goodies, containing the SteelSeries Rival Dota 2 Edition Mouse and Hell's Glare weapon, and the SteelSeries Siberia V2 Dota 2 Edition Headset and Scythe of Vyse weapon.

UPDATE: The competition is now closed! Thank you to the 2000+ readers who entered. We'll start reading through the entries tomorrow, and reveal winners at the end of the week!


UPDATE 2: the winners have been decided

Thanks to all who entered the giveaway. It took us longer than expected to read all 2000+ entries. We enjoyed lots of rat dota puns, gloriously OP, groundbreaking ideas, and one ability that would summon IceFrog to the battlefield as a wish-granting genie. In the end our favourites included Raid Noir's idea for a mouse that deploys to the map as a roaming ward that follows enemy heroes around—sneaky mouse! Joseph proposed an item that gives you control of your opponent's cursor when activated. Finally, Elaris has an idea for an item that increases the DPI of opponents' mice by 1000 for a time, temporarily reducing teamfights to a storm of "whiffed skillshots".


Here's how you win: in no more than 50 words, tell us what abilities and bonuses a Rival Mouse would provide if it was an item in Dota 2. Don't worry about careful balance or meta-game adherence; winners will be picked from the most entertaining answers.

Send your answers, by email, to , and be sure to include the subject line "Dota Rival Competition", lest your entry be banished to Shadow Demon's shadowy realm. The competition will close on Tuesday, 22 July, at 6pm BST.

PC Gamer's coverage of The International 2014 is brought to you by SteelSeries . From now through July 21st, all Dota 2 and team gear is 25% off. While supplies last.


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