How many names does your robot chum Codsworth know in Fallout 4? Lots and lots, as it turns out, and if he knows your name he'll say it out loud, which feels much more personal than if you just read it on your screen.
Below, we've got the full list of names Codsworth will say in Fallout 4. Hopefully, yours is included.
- Aaliyah
- Aaron
- Abigail
- Abram
- Abrams
- Adalyn
- Adam
- Adams
- Addison
- Adeline
- Adrian
- Ahn
- Aideen
- Aiden
- Akira
- Al
- Alaina
- Alan
- Alana
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alexandra
- Alexis
- Alice
- Allen
- Allison
- Altman
- Alyssa
- Amanda
- Amelia
- Anderson
- Andonov
- Andrew
- Andy
- Angel
- Angela
- Anna
- Annabelle
- Anthony
- Archer
- Aria
- Arianna
- Asdf
- Ash
- Asher
- Ashford
- Ashley
- Asimov
- Assface
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atom
- Atomic
- Atticus
- Aubrey
- Audrey
- Austin
- Autumn
- Ava
- Avery
- Bacon
- Badass
- Bailey
- Baker
- Banner
- Bannerman
- Bannion
- Barnes
- Barron
- Barry
- Bash
- Bastard
- Battosai
- Batty
- Baudoin
- Bell
- Bella
- Ben
- Benjamin
- Bennell
- Bennett
- Bentley
- Bery
- Bill
- Billy
- Bilodeau
- Black
- Blaise
- Blake
- Blaze
- Bob
- Bobbi
- Bobby
- Bogdanove
- Bond
- Boob
- Boobie
- Boobies
- Boom
- Boston
- Bowman
- Bradley
- Braun
- Brayden
- Brenda
- Brenna
- Brian
- Brianna
- Brick
- Brigner
- Brock
- Brody
- Brooklyn
- Brooks
- Browder
- Brown
- Browne
- Bruce
- Bruckheimer
- Bryan
- Bryant
- Buffy
- Bulger
- Bull
- Burgess
- Burke
- Burt
- Butch
- Butler
- Caden
- Cal
- Caleb
- Callie
- Camden
- Camilla
- Campbell
- Capable
- Carey
- Carnow
- Carofano
- Caroline
- Carson
- Carter
- Carver
- Casserly
- Castle
- Catherine
- Cha
- Chapin
- Chappy
- Charles
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Chase
- Cheng
- Cherise
- Cherry
- CherryBomb
- Chloe
- Chopper
- Chris
- Christian
- Christiane
- Christopher
- Church
- Claire
- Clara
- Clark
- Clarke
- Claw
- Clemens
- Clunk
- Cobb
- Cobra
- Cock
- Cockerham
- Cole
- Colin
- Collins
- Colton
- Conall
- Connor
- Cook
- Cooke
- Cooper
- Cormac
- Corman
- Cornelius
- Cornett
- Corrie
- Corrine
- Corvo
- Corwin
- Cory
- Cosgrove
- Courtenay
- Courtney
- Cox
- Coyle
- Craig
- Crash
- Cruz
- Cubbison
- Cullen
- Cummings
- Dag
- Damien
- Dan
- Dane
- Danger
- Daniel
- Daniels
- Danny
- Darrel
- Darren
- Darryl
- Daryl
- Dave
- David
- Davis
- Dawson
- Deag
- Death
- Deb
- Debbie
- Deborah
- Deckard
- Declan
- Deitrick
- Delaney
- Dell
- Dennis
- Denton
- Deschain
- Deth
- Diana
- Diane
- DiAngelo
- Diaz
- Dick
- DiMaggio
- Dinolt
- DJ
- Django
- Dom
- Domics
- Dominguez
- Dominic
- Don
- Donald
- Dong
- DongJun
- Donnie
- Donny
- Doug
- Douglas
- Dragon
- Draper
- Dulany
- Dutch
- Duvall
- Dylan
- Eagle
- East
- Ed
- Eddie
- Eddy
- Edwards
- Elena
- Eli
- Eliana
- Elijah
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Elliott
- Emil
- Emile
- Emily
- Emma
- Erectus
- Eric
- Erik
- Erin
- Ernest
- Ernie
- Ethan
- Eugene
- Eva
- Evan
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Everdeen
- Everett
- Felipe
- Ferret
- Fifi
- Finn
- Finster
- Fiona
- Fisher
- Flag
- Flagg
- Flash
- Flores
- Flynn
- Foster
- Fox
- Fragile
- Francis
- Franke
- Freeman
- Frost
- Fuck
- Fucker
- Fuckface
- Furiosa
- Fury
- Gabriel
- Gabriella
- Gardiner
- Gary
- Gavin
- Gene
- George
- Georgia
- Gerry
- Gianna
- Gil
- Glen
- Gomez
- Gonzalez
- Goose
- Gordon
- Graber
- Grace
- Grant
- Gravato
- Gray
- Grayson
- Greco
- Green
- Greene
- Grey
- Griffin
- Grognak
- Gryphon
- Gutierrez
- Guy
- Hackman
- Hailey
- Hall
- Ham
- Hamilton
- Hamm
- Hammer
- Hammett
- Hamrick
- Han
- Hannah
- Hans
- Harden
- Hardi
- Harold
- Harper
- Harris
- Harry
- Haschart
- Hasenbuhler
- Hastings
- Hawk
- Hawke
- Hazel
- Henning
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hicks
- Hill
- Hines
- Holly
- Holmes
- Hook
- Hopgood
- Houle
- Howard
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Humongous
- Humungus
- Hyun
- Ian
- Ilya
- Imperator
- Indiana
- Indy
- Isaac
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Isaiah
- Ist
- Istvan
- J.P.
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jag
- Jake
- James
- Jangjoon
- Jasmine
- Jason
- Jay
- Jayce
- Jayden
- Jeff
- Jeffery
- Jen
- Jenkins
- Jennifer
- Jeremiah
- Jeremy
- Jerry
- Jerusalem
- Jess
- Jessica
- Jessie
- Jet
- Jim
- Jimmy
- Joan
- Joe
- Joel
- Joey
- John
- Johnson
- Jon
- Jonathan
- Jones
- JonPaul
- Jordan
- Jordyn
- Joseph
- Josh
- Joshua
- Josiah
- JP
- Juan
- Julia
- Julian
- Juliana
- Justin
- Kaela
- Kaelyn
- Kaitlyn
- Kal
- KalEl
- Kaneda
- Kate
- Katharine
- Katherine
- Katniss
- Kauffman
- Kayla
- Kaylee
- Keira
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kelvin
- Ken
- Kennedy
- Kenshin
- Kevin
- Kim
- King
- Kirk
- Knight
- Krietz
- Kuhlmann
- Kurt
- Kylie
- Lafferty
- Lamb
- Landon
- Lane
- Langlois
- Laura
- Lauren
- Laurie
- Layla
- Lea
- Leah
- Lederer
- Lee
- Leo
- Leon
- Les
- Leslie
- Levi
- Lewis
- Li
- Liam
- Liesegang
- Lila
- Liliana
- Lillian
- Lily
- Lincoln
- Linda
- Lionheart
- Lipari
- Liz
- Logan
- London
- Loner
- Long
- Lopez
- Losi
- Lucas
- Luce
- Lucy
- Luke
- Lundin
- Lupe
- Lynda
- Maam
- Mackenzie
- Macklin
- Madam
- Madeleine
- Madelyn
- Madison
- Makayla
- Mal
- Malcolm
- Mamba
- Mandy
- Mara
- Marcus
- Marge
- Maria
- Marie
- Marji
- Marjorie
- Mark
- Markiepoo
- Marko
- Markus
- Marlowe
- Marsden
- Martin
- Martinez
- Marty
- Mary
- Mason
- Mateo
- Matt
- Matthew
- Matty
- Max
- Maya
- McCoy
- McDyer
- McFly
- McKay
- McPherson
- Means
- Megan
- Meister
- Mejillones
- Mia
- Micah
- Michael
- Michonne
- Miguel
- Mikami
- Mike
- Mila
- Miles
- Miller
- Mitchell
- Mohammed
- Molly
- Monster
- Montana
- Moonves
- Moore
- Morales
- Morgan
- Morgue
- Morpheus
- Morris
- Muck
- Mudguts
- Muhammad
- Mulder
- Muldoon
- Murphy
- Myers
- Nadia
- Nancy
- Nanes
- Nardone
- Nasty
- Natalia
- Natalie
- Natasha
- Nate
- Nathan
- Nathaniel
- Nazarov
- nchez
- Neary
- Nelson
- Neo
- Nesmith
- Neville
- Nguyen
- Nicholas
- Nico
- Nipple
- Noah
- Nogueira
- Nolan
- Noonan
- Nora
- Norm
- Norm
- Norman
- Normand
- North
- Northup
- Nourmohammadi
- Nuclear
- Nuke
- Olds
- Oliver
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Olsen
- Olson
- Optical
- Orgasmo
- Orin
- Ortiz
- Owen
- Owens
- Pagliarulo
- Palmer
- Paris
- Parker
- Parson
- Pat
- Patrick
- Patty
- Paul
- Pely
- Pendleton
- Penelope
- Perez
- Perry
- Pete
- Peter
- Peterson
- Peyton
- Phil
- Philip
- Phillips
- Picard
- Plissken
- Powell
- Preacher
- Price
- Priest
- Prince
- Princess
- Psycho
- Puma
- Purkey
- Purkeypile
- Python
- Qin
- Quartermain
- Quatermass
- Queen
- Quinn
- Rabil
- Raf
- Rafael
- Ramirez
- Ramsey
- Randal
- Randall
- Rankin
- Rapp
- Ray
- Raymond
- Reagan
- Red
- Reed
- Reese
- Rex
- Reyes
- Reynolds
- Ricardo
- Richard
- Richards
- Richardson
- Rick
- Ricky
- Rictus
- Riddick
- Riley
- Ripken
- Ripley
- River
- Rivera
- Rob
- Robb
- Robert
- Roberts
- Robinson
- Rock
- Rockatansky
- Rocky
- Rodriguez
- Roger
- Rogers
- Roland
- Rollins
- Romanov
- Romanova
- Romero
- Ron
- Ronald
- Ronnie
- Ronny
- Rook
- Rosa
- Rose
- Ross
- Roy
- Ruby
- Russell
- Ryan
- Sadie
- Sage
- Salvatore
- Sam
- Samantha
- Sammie
- Sammy
- Samuel
- Sanchez
- Sanders
- Sandra
- Sanjuro
- Sara
- Sarah
- Sarse
- Savannah
- Sawyer
- Scarlett
- Schaefer
- Scharf
- Schram
- Schreiber
- Scott
- Scully
- Sears
- Sebastian
- Selena
- Seljenes
- Serena
- Seth
- Sex
- Sexy
- Shane
- Shannon
- Sheiman
- Shen
- Shinji
- Shrike
- Sidney
- Simmons
- Singer
- Sir
- Skyler
- Slaughter
- Slinger
- Slit
- Sloan
- Smirnova
- Smith
- Snake
- Snow
- Snyder
- Solo
- Solomon
- Sophia
- Sophie
- South
- Southie
- Spade
- Spider
- Spike
- Splendid
- Spring
- Springsteen
- Stark
- Stef
- Stella
- Steph
- Stephanie
- Stephen
- Sterling
- Steve
- Steven
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stone
- Struthers
- Stuart
- Sullivan
- Summer
- Sunshine
- Sweetpea
- Sydney
- Tallahassee
- Taylor
- Teare
- Ted
- Teddy
- Teitel
- Tesla
- Tetsuo
- Texas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thorn
- Thorne
- Tiana
- Tim
- Timmy
- Timothy
- Tit
- Tittie
- Titties
- Toadie
- Toast
- Todd
- Toecutter
- Tom
- Tommy
- Tonon
- Tony
- Torres
- Tracey
- Tracy
- Treadway
- Tresnjak
- Trinity
- Tristan
- Trump
- Tuck
- Turner
- Tyler
- Unbreakable
- Utting
- Valenti
- Valentina
- Valkyrie
- Vargas
- Vash
- Venkman
- Vic
- Vicens
- Victoria
- Violet
- Vivian
- Vlatko
- Wagner
- Walker
- Walton
- Wanderer
- Ward
- Washington
- Watson
- Watts
- Wayne
- Webb
- Wells
- Wes
- West
- Weyland
- Wez
- White
- Whitey
- Wikus
- Will
- William
- Williams
- Willy
- Wilson
- Winter
- Wisnewski
- Wood
- Woodward
- Wright
- Wyatt
- Xavier
- Yan
- Yojimbo
- Yorick
- Young
- Yutani
- Zachary
- Zdana
- Zed
- Zenith
- Zetta
- Ziggy
- Zip
- Zoe
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Tom loves exploring in games, whether it’s going the wrong way in a platformer or burgling an apartment in Deus Ex. His favourite game worlds—Stalker, Dark Souls, Thief—have an atmosphere you could wallop with a blackjack. He enjoys horror, adventure, puzzle games and RPGs, and played the Japanese version of Final Fantasy VIII with a translated script he printed off from the internet. Tom has been writing about free games for PC Gamer since 2012. If he were packing for a desert island, he’d take his giant Columbo boxset and a laptop stuffed with PuzzleScript games.

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