Bioware producer Mark Darrah confirms work on Dragon Age 4 is still ongoing

Dragon Age 4 teaser trailer
(Image credit: Bioware)

News on Dragon Age 4, the next instalment in Bioware's RPG saga, are coming in like single drops of water during a drought—an announcement here, a few images there. Since the Game Awards 2018 we definitely know it's happening, though even back then Bioware made it clear that the game was years away.

The last we got of Dragon Age 4 were a few new render images during EA play in June, but nothing more substantial than that—certainly nothing in terms of a release date. That's understandable, seeing as Bioware isn't only committed to an overhaul of its multiplayer shooter Anthem, but also has people working from home, like most companies during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

In these all-around uncertain times it was welcome then, to see executive producer Mark Darrah tweet that yes, people are still hard at work on Dragon Age 4:

A little later he tweeted "I honestly don't understand the pickup of this...Am I magic?" in response to his own announcement, seemingly surprised at its newsworthiness and the many comments and likes it received. Dragon Age fans have been waiting for a new game pretty much five minutes since Dragon Age: Inquisition released all the way back in 2014, so I'm not surprised. Slow and steady progress on anything is all we can ask for this year, so it's nice to know the game not only exists but is actively being worked on. Since this small update, Darrah has gone back to retweeting very good Dragon Age fan art.