Babe, wake up. A new Boston Dynamics video just landed

Imagine this: You're working away up in the scaffolding, gleefully banging a random thing with your hammer to make it look like you're working, only to realise you've forgotten your entire tool bag. How are you going to pretend to do any work now? Not to worry. Just flip out your phone, tap a couple of buttons in your robo-servant app, and your on-site robot helper will deliver it right to your feet.

This is the future. A place where artificially intelligent robots not only help around the work site, but do so while amusing us with hardcore parkour moves. In fact, Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot has recently been showing off just the kind of energetic skills we like to see in the workplace.

In a behind the scenes video, Atlas team lead Scott Kuindersma notes that the robot's latest exploits are meant to exemplify an "expansion of the research that we're doing on Atlas." 

Now, rather than simply performing a set of actions around static objects—such as the assault course Atlas recently mastered after failing at parkour time and time again—the robot is learning to better perceive and manipulate the environment around him. 

When we interact with the world, we have been in it long enough to automatically adjust how much force we exert on a thrown object, or put into a jump, but as a mere babe in the world, Atlas has to learn these things as he goes. 

"The robot has to be able to think about the properties of objects. Their shape. Their mass properties. And as it's manipulating these objects, the constraints that exist between the robot and the object. The forces that exist. And it has to have a control system that's able to balance what may be competing objectives related to stability or the manipulation task at hand."

In the case of deformable objects, this is even more difficult a task than you might imagine, though Atlas seems to be getting the hang of flinging bags around so perhaps massage-programmed elder care robots aren't too far behind.

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I'm sure the would-be builders' apprentices are all wincing right now, worried about the displacement that's already occurring across the art space, just as it is in the field of manual labour. And look, no one wants to be replaced by a robot. I get it. That fear is looming over a good portion of the population right now, myself included as Open AI Chat GPT grows smarter by the day. 

Whatever stage the robot takeover is at where your line of work is concerned, the robot legions won't be dispersing any time soon. Might as well embrace it, I suppose. Who's to question our overlords, especially when the robots at Boston Dynamics can boogie better than most of us.

Katie Wickens
Hardware Writer

Screw sports, Katie would rather watch Intel, AMD and Nvidia go at it. Having been obsessed with computers and graphics for three long decades, she took Game Art and Design up to Masters level at uni, and has been rambling about games, tech and science—rather sarcastically—for four years since. She can be found admiring technological advancements, scrambling for scintillating Raspberry Pi projects, preaching cybersecurity awareness, sighing over semiconductors, and gawping at the latest GPU upgrades. Right now she's waiting patiently for her chance to upload her consciousness into the cloud.