Apex Legends update: Latest patch notes

Firing Range & Weapon Balance - November 5, 2019

Firing range

From the lobby you can now select the firing range. Here you can practice playing around with all the weapons, items, and Legends.

  • Can enter the firing range solo or with your squad.
  • You can change to any Legend and use their abilities and ultimates.
  • All loot items are available to play with including weapons, attachments, and hopups.
  •  Target DUMMIES available to practice those headshots.
  • Future improvements to come! Please give us your feedback.



  • Reduced the headshot multiplier: 2.15 -> 2.1

Changes to Projectile Collision

We’ve increased the projectile width on the some weapons so they are easier to hit with. We made this change to the TripleTake in Season 2 and the following will be updated for this patch:

  • Shotguns: All shotguns will have projectiles with a small amount of width.
  • L-STAR
  • Snipers: The Longbow DMR, Kraber, and G7 Scout.

Quality of life

In an effort to surface easier challenges to players more often and offer a balanced set of challenges each day, Daily Challenge distribution has been adjusted so players are guaranteed to receive 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 hard challenge.

You can now spend Legend Tokens to reroll Daily Challenges:

  • First reroll: 200 Legend Tokens
  • Second reroll: 500 Legend Tokens
  • Third or more reroll: 1000 Legend Tokens for each reroll.
  • Cost increases with each purchase before capping out at 1000 Legend Tokens.
  • Cost resets every day

You can now adjust the game cursor velocity in Settings -> Controller. This will apply to cursor velocity in all menus including the Lobby, Pause/Inventory menus, and Death Box inventories.

We now show you what Music Pack you have selected while dropping into the map. If you only have the “default” Pack selected you won’t see anything.

Improved flow from Lobby to Match that fixes some minor bugs and will hopefully get players into matches a bit faster:

  • Disabling pregame spawning of players before character selection. This will address cases where players might hear someone voice comms or other sounds before the Legend selection starts.
  • The “Waiting for Players…” transition now shows the game world instead of a black screen.
  • Removed the 5 second countdown that would start at the beginning of Legend selection.

Player will now be able to view the ammo types of their squadmates equipped weapons when in the inventory menu.

Ranked Mode

Players will no longer receive a penalty for abandoning a match if they leave after 2 and a half minutes have passed since their Banner was picked up after dying. As a reminder: players will be warned via the menus if their leaving may trigger abandon penalties; if the warning does not show up players are free to leave.

[Controller] you can now open the quip wheel by holding down on the d-pad (you can still do it the old way – open ping menu and press Y)

[PC] Quick Chat binding should now auto bind to F1 if it isn’t bound to anything (assuming nothing is already bound to F1)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where players would stay in place while the train keeps moving when reviving another player.
  • Updated the layout of the minimap that was previously showing a route that doesn’t exist.
  • Fixed cases where players could drop into Out of Bounds areas without getting the timer.
  • Fixed cases of some areas where players could take lava damage near the Volcano when there isn’t any lava.
  • Fixed display issue with post game where it would show you earning 2 battle pass levels for levelling up via Stars.



  • EMP now will damage armor that players have dropped.
  • Fixed a bug where Lifeline’s drone couldn’t heal Crypto while he was in the drone.
  • Fix for friendly Caustic gas kicking Crypto out of his drone.


  • Fixed bug where sometimes the missiles from Bangalore’s Ultimate would disappear after landing on the train.

Season 3: Meltdown - October 1, 2019

We previously got the full rundown on new legend Crypto and the World's Edge map, but we now have the full Season 3 patch list to absorb. Read on for balancing changes, bug fixes, and new quality of life additions.

The gist:

  • Crypto: The newest legend is cool, calm, collected, and deploys specialized surveillance drones to stay in the fight and out of the spotlight.
  • New map: Meltdown is bringing a brand new map World's Edge.
  • New battle pass: over 100 new exclusive items are coming.
  • Charge Rifle: a new directed-energy weapon coming to the Arena.
  • Ranked Series 2: "We launched Ranked Leagues with a score-based system rather than a hidden ELO-type system. So far, we’re pleased with the results," Respawn said.


All Legends

  • Executioner Perk: Previously, the Gold Armor perk, “Executioner”, gave a full shield recharge on successful completion of a finisher. In Season 3, all Legends will have this perk meaning--finishers will fully recharge your shields regardless if you have Gold Armor equipped or not. Gold Backpacks will now have a Guardian Angel perk


Dome Shield

  • Players in the Dome Shield use healing items 25% faster.
  • Increased the throw distance by 60%.
  • Increased cooldown: 20 seconds -> 30 seconds.

Defensive Bombardment

  • Decreased cooldown: 4.5 minutes -> 3 minutes
  • Decreased duration: 8 seconds -> 6 seconds.
  • Increased throw distance by 36%.


Eye of the Allfather

  • Reduced the animation time to activate by 33%.
  • Now immediately tells you how many targets have been pinged.

Beast of the Hunt

  • Fixed an issue with FoV scaling messing up ADS aim sensitivity
  • Reduced animation time to activate by 30%
  • Increased movement speed bonus: 25% -> 30%


Rolling Thunder

  • Increased damage: 20 -> 40.


Adrenaline Junkie

  • Fixed an issue with FoV scaling messing up ADS aim sensitivity.


[Designer Notes: We’ve pulled back additional nerfs for further testing, but Wraith’s power balance is definitely on our radar.]

Dimensional Rift

  • No longer deploys if you are downed before placing it.



  • Reduced the grapple projectile velocity by 33%, meaning it takes a fraction of a second longer to connect the grapple to the wall. The behavior once you are connected remains the same.


  • Increased cooldown
  • 90 seconds -> 120 seconds.



[Designer Notes: We think the number of hop-up types in the game is about as high as we want to go right now when we consider loot dilution and the likelihood of finding a desired hop-up. Going forward, we intend to rotate hop-ups each season -- some may be removed from the loot pool to make room for new or returning ones. Below are the changes we’ll be making to hop-ups for Season 3.]

REMOVED: Disruptor Rounds

REMOVED: Skullpiercer Rifling

  • The base headshot damage multipliers of the DMR and Wingman have been increased slightly.
  • Wingman: Was 2.0 base / 2.25 with Skullpiercer. Is now 2.15 base.
  • DMR: Was 2.0 base / 2.5 with Skullpiercer. Is now 2.15 base.

NEW HOP-UP: Anvil Receiver

  • Attaches to: Flatline and R-301
  • Rarity: level 4 (gold)
  • This hop-up empowers semi-auto mode; it offers highly increased damage, but at the cost of reduced rate of fire and double ammo per shot.

NEW HOP-UP: Double Tap Trigger

  • Attaches to: G7 Scout and EVA-8 Auto
  • Rarity: level 3 (purple)
  • This hop-up makes each trigger pull fire a quick two round burst.


Ultimate Accelerants

  • Ultimate charge restored increased: 20% -> 35%
  • Reduced the amount in the world by around 40%

Gold Gear Changes

  • Gold Backpack: The gold backpack has a new perk, “Guardian Angel”. With Guardian Angel, you will revive downed teammates with bonus health and shields (if they have armor).
  • Gold Armor: The gold armor will now have “Fast Use” (consumable items take half as long to use), which was previously on the gold backpack. Now, you will be able to tell when an opponent has the ability to heal faster by seeing the gold armor damage numbers.


[*Designer Notes: For Season 3 weapon changes, our goals were to encourage and improve longer range gunfights and reduce power on some of the weapons that have been dominating lately. We will of course be closely watching data and player feedback on these during the season.]


  • Base mag size reduction: Before: 18/22/26/30 After: 18/20/23/27
  • Added some recoil randomness to patterns.

PDW Prowler

  • Added some slight recoil randomness while maintaining the same pattern when fired in full-auto mode.

Longbow DMR

  • Reduced rate of fire: 1.6 -> 1.3
  • Reduced leg damage multiplier: 0.9 -> 0.8

G7 Scout

  • Increased base damage: 30 -> 34


  • Increased base damage: 18 -> 22
  • Slight decrease to rate of fire to both fire modes.


  • Decreased pattern spread
  • Mozambique will now reset from recoil faster, which should make it easier to track targets and see where shots land.


  • Substantial reduction to horizontal recoil
  • Now comes equipped with 1x Digital Threat optic
  • Reduced damage: 21 -> 19

New Kitted Gold Weapons

We’ve swapped out the previous set of Gold Weapons with some fresh new ones for Season 3. Keep an eye out for these fully kitted beasts that all include tier 3 versions of all compatible attachments, hop-up, and the following optics:

Flatline: Includes 1x-2x optics

EVA-8: Includes 1x threat scope

TripleTake: 4x-10x Threat scope

G7 Scout: 2x-4x optics

Charge Rifle: 4x-10x threat scope


  • Added a “random” option for customizing your unlocked loadscreens
  • Expanded the Ping Wheel so that you can now equip your unlocked Intro and Kill quips: Equip up to 8 intro or kill quips in the lobby, Nearby enemies can hear quips when activated, Press Y while ping wheel is up to access (controller) or F1 (default keyboard binding -- you may need to set this manually as it won’t auto-bind), "Celebrate" quickchat is now the 1st option in the quip wheel (Previously down on dpad).
  • New Legend battle chatter - Legends now have voice lines that will call out when your squad is being third-partied. This is triggered if you take damage when recently damaged by another living squad
  • You can now equip multiple skydive emotes (if you have multiple available on a character) - Hold A while skydiving to open the menu to select the skydive emote you want to use.
  • Daily challenges should only give you, at most, 1 challenge for a Legend you don't own.
  • No dupe character daily challenges (e.g. you should never get 2 Gibraltar dailies in the same day).
  • Fixes for slowdown/performance drops at the start of a match.
  • Mirage - decoys will now go where directed when deploying them during the drop if Mirage isn’t the Jumpmaster.
  • Lifeline - D.O.C. Healing Drone will no longer float away after being deployed on Supply Ships
  • Fixed issue where Legends could show up as locked instead of selected when joining a match late.
  • Small improvements across UI to make fonts and other elements more readable.
  • When swapping weapons with one on the ground, attachments will now attempt to transfer to your stowed weapon in addition to the weapon you are about to pick up.


  • Octane - fixed a bug where sometimes mantling while using a tactical stopped players from being able to perform any other actions until the tactical is finished.
  • Wattson - fixed bug where sometimes the visual FX from her fences would not show up after being deployed.
  • Pathfinder - Fixed a bug with Insider Knowledge passive where Survey Beacon locations would disappear from the full map after activating them.
  • Fixed bug where players could sometimes receive additional Battle Pass rewards by leveling up two games in a row.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to spam fire with the Peacekeeper.
  • Fixed bug where looting Lifeline’s Care Packages would not count towards the “Loot X amount of Care Packages” in the Battle Pass challenges.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the smoke visual FX from Gibraltar, Bangalore, and Caustic Ultimates would show up on scopes when swapping weapons rapidly.
  • PC - Fixed bug where model settings would be forced to “high” regardless of what setting was selected.
  • Fixed a bug where players could sometimes skip the landing animation after a long fall.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes map fog visual FX would disappear while looting a deathbox.
  • Rebalanced audio to address issues with footsteps, ziplines, and jump jets.

Ranked League Series 2

You can check out the full details for Series 2 and learnings we got from Series 1 in our Ranked Blog here. Some highlights of the changes we’re making below.

  • Rewards for your placement in Ranked Leagues Series 1 will be available to you after downloading the update for Season 3.
  • We’ve adjusted the scoring for Series 2 that allows for more granularity for future improvements.
  • At the launch of Series 2 on 10/1 we’ll be doing a soft reset on everyone Ranked Position from Series 1. The reset will be 1.5 tiers. That means if you ended Series 1 in Gold II, you’ll be reset to Silver IV. Players in Platinum IV will be reset to Silver II, and Apex Predators will be reset to Platinum II.
  • Assists have been added to your overall score.
  • New HUD elements have been added to help players keep track of their in-match RP gains or losses.
  • Leaver Penalty: Players who abandon their teammates will be hit with a matchmaking penalty in both regular and Ranked matches. Penalties will result in a player being barred from joining a match for escalating amounts of time based on how often they have abandoned in Ranked. An abandon is defined as leaving the game before the match is over for you; this includes leaving during character select, leaving while you are alive, and leaving when you are dead but can still be respawned by teammates. Penalty times start out at five minutes, and repeat abandons will increase that time up to a week
Evan Lahti
Global Editor-in-Chief

Evan's a hardcore FPS enthusiast who joined PC Gamer in 2008. After an era spent publishing reviews, news, and cover features, he now oversees editorial operations for PC Gamer worldwide, including setting policy, training, and editing stories written by the wider team. His most-played FPSes are CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, Team Fortress Classic, Rainbow Six Siege, and Arma 2. His first multiplayer FPS was Quake 2, played on serial LAN in his uncle's basement, the ideal conditions for instilling a lifelong fondness for fragging. Evan also leads production of the PC Gaming Show, the annual E3 showcase event dedicated to PC gaming.