Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 uses ping and latency "exclusively" for multiplayer matchmaking

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 multiplayer

During the self-reflective journey of personal growth and Sergeant rank iterations constituting Call of Duty's multiplayer, players have historically connected via a matchmaking system that used their regions as the sole basis for grouping together soldiers with similar connection speeds. In a tweet sent earlier this week, Treyarch Design Director David Vonderhaar revealed that Black Ops 2 deviates from standard procedure and matches players via ping and latency exclusively.

Speedier sessions and reduced drop-outs should arise as a result of the new system—in theory, at least. Never underestimate the incoherent thrashings of a 12-year-old server-star in full swing. Another equally neat perk confirmed by Treyarch: dedicated PC hosting .

Omri Petitte

Omri Petitte is a former PC Gamer associate editor and long-time freelance writer covering news and reviews. If you spot his name, it probably means you're reading about some kind of first-person shooter. Why yes, he would like to talk to you about Battlefield. Do you have a few days?