The Bureau: XCOM Declassified preview — Why this isn't the XCOM I wanted

XCOM's E3 2010 showing is still stuck in my brain, and it's rare for a game demo to stay with you for that long. What I remember loving about this vision of the game was its pace: my write-up above shows the trickle of observations made before the player gets into combat. Scripted as that demo was, I loved the way it slowly toured you through the aftermath of an alien attack. I loved that there was some mild detective work, that it was HUDless, and how naturally clues felt set into the environment. The Bureau, by contrast, is driven by its combat and slathered with information layers: activating Battle Focus (the time-slowing planning mode in which you give commands to squadmates) fills the screen with translucent interface. The life bars of Sectoids (and other aliens) pop into the center of the screen as you shoot them (at roughly the same size and spot as they do in Mass Effect, coincidentally).

And what was most disappointing about The Bureau was how much the things you shoot—Sectoids, Silicoids, and other aliens—felt like interchangeable, generic game enemies. Sectoids lacked the creepy, bobbling gait that they had in Enemy Unknown. A Muton boss I encountered at the end was a hulking damage sponge, but he could've easily just been a mech or a giant ogre--there was nothing in his animations, attacks, or behavior that conveyed he was from another planet. The Muton's one distinguishing aspect was his modular armor, which you had to crack open to kill him. But I was annoyed when The Bureau revealed this immediately by slapping a damage display of the Muton's armor on the screen rather than letting me earn an understanding by fighting, trial, and error.

Aliens were alien in the XCOM 2010 demo—the blobs (Silicoids) animated unpredictably, lunging and slithering along walls and ceilings like liquid cats. At first brush, you didn't know how to deal with them, or if they could be killed at all. While I was playing The Bureau, Silicoids were described to me as “alien attack dogs” that nip at your heels.

And at the end of the 2010 demo , your encounter with an unnamed alien power weapon was mystifying and intimidating. I wrote then:

Everything turns red. Something is here. Something big. Carter runs toward the street–there's a black wind of distortion hanging in the air. A field that warps light around it. The mass manifests a strange rectangle-obelisk in the sky: it looks like a giant, textureless Jenga piece. Without warning, it rearranges itself into the shape of a ring and spits a beam of white-hot energy into the street, disintegrating a car. Then, it does the same to the remaining agent.

I'm less lamenting that The Bureau is borrowing Mass Effect's combat than I am disappointed that The Bureau seems to have abandoned the sense of mystery it debuted with. Neither of the enemies shown in the 2010 demo were humanoid, but more importantly both of them were introduced without any explanation about how to survive or kill them. That aspect of learning in the field (through painful death) is essential to XCOM—the first time you stumble upon a Cyberdisc in Enemy Unknown, you don't know how far it can move, whether it's less deadly or vulnerable at close range, or what its relationship is with the Sentry drone it spawns with.

I do feel a little uncomfortable comparing two slices of gameplay to one another: both demonstrations of XCOM (and the E3 2011 demo, easily the worst of all of them) were about half an hour. I can't know if the XCOM I saw in 2010 would've turned out to be the game I wanted it to be. And it's possible that there's a generous intro sequence that slowly introduces the alien threat in The Bureau.

I hope there is. What I saw of The Bureau characterized it as a game that's hanging its hat on cover-based gunplay and its third-person strategic system, and I'm crossing my fingers that it's driven by more than slightly derivative shooting and slightly cumbersome combat mechanics. 2K's 2010 debut proved that XCOM set in the mid-century can be a captivating, original setting, and that the gulf between mankind's technology of the time and that of the aliens creates great opportunities for inscrutable, strange enemies. I hope The Bureau makes use of that.

Evan Lahti
Strategic Director

Evan's a hardcore FPS enthusiast who joined PC Gamer in 2008. After an era spent publishing reviews, news, and cover features, he now oversees editorial operations for PC Gamer worldwide, including setting policy, training, and editing stories written by the wider team. His most-played FPSes are CS:GO, Team Fortress 2, Team Fortress Classic, Rainbow Six Siege, and Arma 2. His first multiplayer FPS was Quake 2, played on serial LAN in his uncle's basement, the ideal conditions for instilling a lifelong fondness for fragging. Evan also leads production of the PC Gaming Show, the annual E3 showcase event dedicated to PC gaming.